I have given up on my craving for sushi tonight since I have stuffing and a farm-grown tomato at home that I should be eating while both are still good. I wish they made frozen chicken Kiev that tastes likea rainbow roll, though.
Also, there is a cheesy mummy movie on SciFi featuring a very young Jack Davenport and what looks like killer packing tape.
But did we only have custard when I was little and somehow it morphed into soft-serve, or were we just calling it the wrong thing? Although some of the places were "custard stands". In fact I am pretty sure there was one called "Custard's Last Stand."
To me, custard and soft-serve to two different animals. Dairy Queen is soft serve, but places like Sheridan's are specifically custard.
Doesn't custard have eggs?
what looks like killer packing tape
I can see this happening. Packing tape is pernicious, and those little rolly things you use to apply it have very sharp edges. I have a lot of packing tape in a closet -- maybe I'll shove something large in front of the door tonight.
I think, technically, custard has egg in it, but my Dad called all soft serve custard.
Don't eat sushi on a Sunday!
Frozen custard is mostly found in the Midwest and is made with more eggs and less cream. I love it. One lone frozen custard franchise made its way here a couple of years ago. Soft-serve is sold by places like Dairy Queen.
Wikipedia knows:
Soft Serve:
Soft serve was invented by Margaret Thatcher! (Okay, well, she was on the research team.)
Lamb dish number 2 is on the stove.
I've decided I need more long weekends. All I'm really doing today is reading and cooking. Because I had two whole other days for hiking, laundry, errands, etc.
Now I want to find a place that still serves custard.