Massachusetts governor Deval Patrick's daughter Katherine comes out publicly and will march with her dad in tomorrow's Gay Pride Parade. [link]
I love this at the end of the article:
[Patrick:] "You know, I can still - because we live in Massachusetts - I can still imagine what Katherine's wedding is going to be like."
Then, as he lowered his voice, he added, "How much it's going to cost."
Aw, Gov. Patrick! So sweet.
Does anyone have a good recommendation for a daily vitamin w/calcium? Is one brand better than another?
My nutritionist recommended a daily vitamin and a separate pill with Calcium/magnesium. The Cal/mag one is taken before bedtime, and the multivitamin in the AM.
She didn't recommend any specific ones, but did say that generally you get what you pay for, and that Quest
were two brands known to produce good quality vitamins.
Ha! Wasn't me-Steph; maybe one of the other Stephanies, though.
Not JZ, not Steph. Hint: the poster is currently away from home (I am pretty sure).
Does anyone have a good recommendation for a daily vitamin w/calcium? Is one brand better than another?
I take a Calcium Citrate with vitamin D and magnesium, along with my multivitamin. The brand is Now. Generally women's multivitamins will have more calcium that regular multivitamins.