Does anyone have a good recommendation for a daily vitamin w/calcium? Is one brand better than another?
I take a Calcium Citrate with vitamin D and magnesium, along with my multivitamin. The brand is Now. Generally women's multivitamins will have more calcium that regular multivitamins.
Bwah-making from that Guv Patrick article:
"I think when Katherine started to memorize all the episodes of 'The L Word,' there was some hint that maybe she was sending us," Patrick said.
Everybody's weight varies about 5 lbs throughout the day.
I am the amazing size-shifting person. Not that a lot of people notice (unless they're too polite to say something. No, wait, then they wouldn't be my friends), but I lose/gain 10-20 pounds per week. I don't know how or why it happens, it doesn't seem to have any sort of correlation regarding to what I eat (and therefore, any sort of diet that lasts less than 2 months won't show results - I'm guessing, I'm a thin person and never had the kind of self discipline it takes for one to be on a diet). So how do I know I much I weight? or how much it changes? I don't. The 2-3 different sizes of pants and shirts in my closet tells me it is so.
So I find that checking my weight is usually kind of useless. The last time I checked (about a month ago) it was 110 pounds, and I'm guessing I'm between 100-120.
What are you doing this weekend, SUCKERS?!@?!
t /I miss Rio
The 2-3 different sizes of pants and shirts in my closet tells me it is so.
Well, my weight is pretty stable and I have this too. I currently wear size 12, 10, and 8 jeans regularly.
Folks with cars might want to bookmark this: [link]
A blog I frequent has this to say:
Web site RepairPal provides independent repair estimates to help you decide if your mechanic is ripping you off. Just take your mechanic's quote and compare it to RepairPal's encyclopedia of repair estimates by specific make and model—RepairPal will even factor in your location and provide you with a breakdown of parts and labor estimates. The site also offers a review tool for finding trusted mechanics in your area, offers advice for common problems with your make and model, and can track all of your car's service and repair information.
Also good if you're considering buying a used car that has stuff needing to be fixed....
Work triumph!
Spent much of yesterday afternoon (in between wrestling with 11 months' worth of budget reconciliations -- thanks again, inept predecessors!) dealing with a Difficult Patient. DP has many, many issues, is convinced that everyone at the hospital is either indifferent or hostile to DP, and lives close enough that DP frequently stops by to personally pester us about pointless things.
Yesterday DP stopped by to pick up a prescription to send in to a mail-in pharmacy, which sucked up a good hour of everyone's time. This morning I came in to a voicemail from DP, saying in hushed tones that there were "problems" with the written prescription but that "I can't leave you a message because it will get too complicated, just please call me before nine."
I called; DP wanted some inconsequential change to how something was phrased; I said fine, come by and pick it up. The NP in charge of writing them up heard about it, @@ed fiercely, and said, "Not an issue, DP is worrying about nothing, the pharmacy won't care, tell DP just to send it in as is and if there's a problem I'll call the pharmacy and yell at them about it myself."
I called, and spent 15 minutes with DP trying to make me agree with DP that the NP was a horrible villain. "So, what you're saying is that I should send it in as is because she refuses?" "No, you can send it in as is because it's not a problem. They'll be perfectly happy with it. She'll handle it personally if there is a problem, but there won't be." "So you're saying she refuses?" Repeat x eleventy billion.
Dude. I have a toddler and I'm step-parenting a pre-adolescent. I am used to not only saying the same thing in cheerful robotic tones for hours on end, I'm used to doing so while being wept and snotted on, audibly sneered at, and having tiny heels drummed into my kidneys. You're no toddler and definitely no preadolescent boy. Believe me, you will get tired of hearing the same thing over and over LONG before I get tired of saying it. Don't even try to outlast me.
DP finally gave in and meekly promised to send it in as is, and thanked me for all my help. NP is in awe of me.