So, apparently the not getting up thing I've experienced on subways here extends to the theater. My sister got tickets to Hairspray for last night and the women at the end of the row didn't get up to let us by to our seats. And by no stretch of the imagination was there room to get by--even for my skinny 10-year old niece! The most hilarious part was that they looked very perplexed that we were bumping into them. Also, people now eat at the theater. WTF??
I do not pretend to understand the not-getting-up thing. The eating in the theater thing, I blame on the big touring shows, actually. Their target demographic is accustomed to going to the movies instead of the theater, and so the theaters started letting people bring refreshments in. It Bothers me greatly, but that's the current practice.
The housework survey is depressing.
Do men do more hours of housework when they live by themselves? Or, like, do they just live in grosser homes?
Speaking only for the state of The Boy's house before I moved in, definitely the latter.
Speaking as someone who's lived with various men, usually the latter.
Or, like, do they just live in grosser homes?
I wouldn't assume this, on the college campuses I've been on, I've heard from the people that clean that girls dorms were almost uniformly "grosser" than those of the guys.
how about Artist's Cafe, say 5 o'clock?
Sounds good. See you then.
Do men do more hours of housework when they live by themselves? Or, like, do they just live in grosser homes?
Goes through frenzied periods of regular house cleaning followed by months (gulp - years?) of self-disgusted neglect.
Or, like, do they just live in grosser homes?
Probably this. One of the ways in a marriage that cleaning falls on one partner over the other is that cleanliness differ. I'm not going to assign gender to that because when I was with M, he way higher cleanliness standards than I did (vacum every day!) but somehow the cleaning was still my responsibility.
Kissing good night IS SO child care. At the very least, absolutely during the toddler/still learning to self-soothe years.
Up from 1:30 to 4 this morning kissing a child goodnight
Yeah, but if it's part of a story it'll probably be more like
So changing the subject slightly but keeping it in the domestic realm, what's my best option for a cupcake frosting that'll hold up decently in 85-ish degree weather?
Dylan's turning 1 on Saturday (eep!!!) and I'm making him chocolate cupcakes. They don't necessarily need to be outdoors the entire party, but my kitchen isn't air-conditioned either.
I do not pretend to understand the not-getting-up thing. The eating in the theater thing, I blame on the big touring shows, actually. Their target demographic is accustomed to going to the movies instead of the theater, and so the theaters started letting people bring refreshments in. It Bothers me greatly, but that's the current practice.
That's just nuts. The whole point of going to the theater is that it's a Big Deal! It costs a lot of money! You should dress up! And not have a goddamned snack! You should have a nice dinner beforehand!
Fucking people, I swear.
Kinda what I thought the article would say. I get so upset when I go to my parents' and see the same division of labor as when my dad worked. It infuriates me.
And I know it would infuriate me in a relationship of my own. My expectations are already too high on the childcare front when we are visiting family - I expect 100% coverage on the first few days and that is crazy.
It would be interesting to know if many men had house cleaning chores growing up. My brother did, but my cousins did not.
single moms
eh not that it is not hard, but - I just do less time intense stuff. mac's dinners are mostly things I can heat up in the microwave, I rarely make him from scratch meals. And I pay someone to come in and clean my house every other week - that is often the only cleaning that gets done save dishes and litter boxes.