I'm not sure how to handle that, given that I don't think I've been in weather hotter than 70 degrees in ...god, I don't remember when?
DC during the summer is hotter than the desert, IMO, so as long as you are good with the sunscreen, you should be fine.
It' is hot as hell here, but we are supposed to have thunderstorms-which yay storms!
As ever, I love J. K. Rowling. Talking about the gift of failure at an Ivy commencement makes me laugh.
Please please please help me get through 4th period today.
Please please please help me get through 4th period today.
Would something like this help? [link]
Oh good lord, they even come in pink: [link]
a pink BABY SEAL tazer is PERFECT.
We have 80 minute periods. I assigned 22 questions (and reading to go with it). My 2nd period students said it was too much work to do in one period. One even said, "I've been working the entire time and I can't finish it." I pointed out she went to the bathroom so that's not quite true.
Do they make one in pink that isn't shaped like a baby seal?
ETA: Looking at the site, I see they have this:
Taser C2 Party Consultant Kit is all you need to start holding Taser C2 Parties. Taser C2 Parties are the new rave. Taser Party Consultants can earn cash while having fun in their spare time. Promotions do not apply to this Taser C2 Party Kit.
It's like a Tupperware Party for the modern day woman!