Also, for really classy and expensive clothes, the ladies at Manolo for the Big girl recommend Talbots. I am hoping, after I pay off my debt, to get some suits there, as they have plus petites.
I second this recommendation, I got a great suit there this past spring. I was lucky enough to have a cousin who manages the store and got 50% off. Otherwise, I wouldn't have been able to afford it either. Do they go above a 20? I feel like that's the highest size I saw there, but I could be wrong.
{{Trudy}} OMG, so much anxiety. I hope everything calms down and you are able to get through the rest of the week OK.
MM- yikes to the Excel fuckwaddery. Also, when your back gives out, is there an inciting incident or do you wake up all fucked up? What I hate is when something SO STUPID triggers it. Like, when I turned to get a Q-tip after a shower. Bam! Fucking back.
{{{Trudy}}} Much health~ma to your mom and much calm~ma and focus~ma for you until you can get to see her.
{{{Susan}}} Continued health~ma to your mom and ~ma to you too. I'm so sorry.
moms works at Talbots ... to support her closet-by-Talbots, it turns out - I'll ask her to heads up us when the next sales are coming, if people want me to do so?
Can you edit the .csv file, MM?
MM- yikes to the Excel fuckwaddery. Also, when your back gives out, is there an inciting incident or do you wake up all fucked up? What I hate is when something SO STUPID triggers it. Like, when I turned to get a Q-tip after a shower. Bam! Fucking back.
Sometimes it's something stupid like, you know, reaching for a fork or something, sometimes it's "Oh. I should not have tried to pick that up." and sometimes (like this time) it's because I slept funny.
It's been trying to work itself to fucked all week and I blame the weather. At night it's been so hot that I can't bear to sleep under the blanket, just a sheet. So, natch, sometime in the middle of the night the temp drops to "eat my ass, Sheet Boy" and I'm freezing, but I don't wake up enough to go get the fucking blanket and tell the weather to "Suck it." As a result, I wake up in a pretzel-like configuration, turned in on myself in a futile effort to seek warmth from my own body.
Does anyone have a sec to help me write a bio statement? I'm reviewing websites for a parents' group and (though they might not use any of them, because I rant a lot about non-functional 'home' buttons) they want a bio. I hate writing these.
You guys rock. Copying links like mad....
MM, could you run a sort on the file - should dump all the blanks in one spot, and then you can delete them all at once.
Poor MM. My back isn't particularly happy either and I think it's going to be a while before I can see my excellent chiropractor, who's also a good friend. It's for a happy reason, though: her daughter/office manager had a healthy baby girl Tuesday, less than 24 hours after I was teasing her about riding horseback and jumping off of steps to start labor. It's the good news for the week.