We don't have paper temp type licenses in Florida. They make the real one while you wait. Do they do that in Colorado?
In Connecticut, they make them while you wait. In California, you get a paper license and your old license with the expiration date hole-punched out (which does indeed render it useless--I'd wait, Suzi). It takes weeks to get the actual license in the mail, which just seems stupid to me.
How is Drew doing?
He's hanging in there. He's still in San Diego with his family. His dad is still in this hospital; he's more lucid but in a lot of pain. They're setting up home hospice care and hoping to transfer his dad within the next couple of days so he can be home with his family.
We don't have paper temp type licenses in Florida. They make the real one while you wait. Do they do that in Colorado?
Paging Nicole.... Well???
They make the real one while you wait.
Illinois, Georgia and Wisconsin all do too. My hunch is California's the outlier here.
My only worry would be not tripping some kind of requirement that ends up with you having to retake the test to get the new license. But I don't see any way for them to tell what date you moved to the state on, so I doubt it's a real issue.
Paging Hecubot! Paging Hecubot! I need hairstyle pictures. I have an appointment for a haircut with Anna the Wonder Stylist on Saturday. I'm going to get about 3" cut off the length, and I'm keeping the batwing point bangs. I think I want to get some layers added all over for volume, but I'd like some pictures for reference. Currently my hair is all one length, and reaches to my mid-back.
Noted! How did it grow so quickly? Didn't you have a lot lopped off last year?
Anyway, I'll rustle up suitable coiffing options.
Timeline: May 5, the PM contacts us saying that our lease will be up 1 July, and wanting to know if we are going to renew. We determined that we could close on the new house and get the construction done by mid-June, so we replied that we would not renew, and would move out the end of June.
They replied that our lease stipulated a 60-day notice before terminating the lease, so we would have to stay in the house until August 1, or until they found new tenants, whichever came first.
We reviewed the lease, and replied that we'd stay until August 1.
On July 5, they cashed our rent check for the entire month of July. On July 7, they emailed us asking when we wanted to set up a walkthrough. We replied "30 July." They replied, "Why did we think you were moving out on the 14th? Okay, 30 July."
On July 10, the realtor they hired to re-rent the place rang our doorbell and told us there were tenants arriving the 14th. Oh, and she'd given the signed lease and deposit to the PM on JUNE 27.
On July 11, we wrote the PMs and offered to be moved out by the 14th in exchange for them refunding our July rent (the half that we should get back anyway and the other half to cover having to move 10K pounds of stuff and lose our whole weekend plus two workdays), and waive the lease requirements for a professional cleaning.
On July 12, at 10 pm, they emailed us saying, in 24pt ASSCAPS "AT THIS POINT YOU WILL JUST HAVE TO DO WHATEVER WORKS FOR YOU."
On July 13, the manager of the PM wrote and said they could not waive the terms of the lease. So we have the house through the end of the month, and have to have it cleaned.
At no time has the PM told us there are new tenants.
Ready for the punchline?
I just got a call from their attorney, asking me if we'd hand over the keys in exchange for half a month's rent.
Noted! How did it grow so quickly? Didn't you have a lot lopped off last year?
I had, um, a couple of inches lopped off last year? Maybe it's not quite bra-strap length, but it's close.
I just got a call from their attorney, asking me if we'd hand over the keys in exchange for half a month's rent.
BWHAHAHA!!! Not a surprise, frankly. I'm sure that you've thought of this, but you are liable for the place until 30 July. Plus, if they are trying to move in, that makes a mess for the professional cleaning bit, and any damage that might be done during the move. I wouldn't do it for less than a full month's rent, plus a guarantee that they would cover any fees charged by the rental company.
I'm sure that you've thought of this, but you are liable for the place until 30 July. Plus, if they are trying to move in, that makes a mess for the professional cleaning bit, and any damage that might be done during the move.
Yep. If we agree to hand over the keys now and vacate, the PM will most likely keep our deposit (which is a full month's rent) and possibly sue us for the cost of the cleaning.
Not a surprise, frankly.
No, really it isn't. Neither is the fact that they apparently did not tell their attorney the truth. They told her that we'd asked to move out July 14.
This is why I do everything via gmail with the PMs. I want it all discoverable in case of a lawsuit.
In better news, the new house has a hot tub, and it seems to be the one thing that's in perfect shape. Housewarming hot tub party!
Raq, that's craziness!
I don't like today. Can I have a different one?
Yes, sj. As soon as I find out where they keep the spare days.
Raq, eesh. Such maroons. But, yay, hot tub!
Cooling temp-ma to Liv.