Felicitations, Sox! Candles! Cake! Confetti! and more cake. Sparklers!
I opted to NOT set up a Voudoun altar and chant, as I'm on thin ice anyway
Aw, man. Now I'm disappointed. I think you should do a different thing every day. Buddhist, Shinto incense, Hindu, High Anglican, Spirit Walking, Maypole.Educational and fun!
Crossables crossed, Sail.
I am so hungry. There are two problems with this:
1. Cleaning woman is here so I'm stuck in the office until she's done.
2. There is no food in the house.
ION, Momo is sleeping on the desk with her head resting on my keyboard. Why are kittens teh cyutest????
GC! I forgot to say congratulations out loud on your news. I wish you and GF happy!
ION, have I mentioned how much I hate Firefox 3, and how much I wish I'd never installed it?
I dread uninstalling it and trying to find version 2 to reinstall. Oh, 2, my one true love. I'll never desert you again, baby.
Thanks, Beverly! We have to figure out what we are going to wear to get married. Is it silly to dress a little nicer for a civil ceremony? DF wants to just wear jeans but I told her absolutely not. However, she doesn't own anything else and anything she buys will likely be a one-time use thing. What do people usually do? Totally casual or nicer?
Bonus of new office? Decent cafeteria and if you are careful, not very expensive. No restaurants within walking distance, so I have no excuse for skipping lunch.
What do people usually do? Totally casual or nicer?
I don't know what the usual is but I think you should dress up for an Occasion. And it certainly is an Occasion.
You should take pictures. And any time you are going to take pictures you should (a) look nice but (b) look comfortable. Is there a way for her to do both?
Nice trousers for her? Would she wear fancypants???
It's absolutely not silly to dress however makes you happiest.
I wore a new dress and DH wore a shirt, tie, and sports jacket when we eloped. It was a symbolic sort of thing. There was a 24 hour waiting period, so an hour before our appointment, we stopped at a gas station rest room and changed.
I've seen several courthouse weddings, and they've run the gamut, from a white business suit with froufy corsage on one shoulder to a long blue cotton print skirt, borrowed bracelets, new t-shirt and old leather jacket on the bride, and everything from a suit to slacks or jeans with a button-down shirt for the groom.
I'd say whatever makes you both happy, just shined up a little.
I'm, uh...I'm MCing the Masquerade at a local sci-fi convention in October.