I wore a new dress and DH wore a shirt, tie, and sports jacket when we eloped. It was a symbolic sort of thing. There was a 24 hour waiting period, so an hour before our appointment, we stopped at a gas station rest room and changed.
I've seen several courthouse weddings, and they've run the gamut, from a white business suit with froufy corsage on one shoulder to a long blue cotton print skirt, borrowed bracelets, new t-shirt and old leather jacket on the bride, and everything from a suit to slacks or jeans with a button-down shirt for the groom.
I'd say whatever makes you both happy, just shined up a little.
I'm, uh...I'm MCing the Masquerade at a local sci-fi convention in October.
However, she doesn't own anything else and anything she buys will likely be a one-time use thing. What do people usually do? Totally casual or nicer?
I say dress. It's your wedding. Besides, everyone should have at least one "dress up" outfit.
I'm, uh...I'm MCing the Masquerade at a local sci-fi convention in October.
In stripey tights and a candy bra?
Thanks for the input. Yeah, I think I"m gonna make her buy a nice outfit. Jeans are just not right. I'm going to buy a dress for the occasion, but not a "wedding" dress. Just a nice dress that makes me feel pretty.
Just a nice dress that makes me feel pretty.
You are always pretty so that should be easy! hee! Can't wait to see the pictures!!!
Just so you all don't think DF is totally insane, her point is that we are really only doing this for political purposes (getting married has never been a huge dealie for us) and we've been "married" for many years at this point. Still making her dress nice though.
Just a nice dress that makes me feel pretty.
Can we get video of you singing "I feel pretty, oh so pretty, I feel pretty and witty and gay! And I pity any girl who isn't me today."??
Because I would pay ONE MEEEEEEELLION DOLLARS for that.
Yeah, I think I"m gonna make her buy a nice outfit. Jeans are just not right. I'm going to buy a dress for the occasion, but not a "wedding" dress. Just a nice dress that makes me feel pretty.
That sounds like a lovely plan.
(You know me, I'm all for dressing up extravagantly.)
I'm, uh...I'm MCing the Masquerade at a local sci-fi convention in October.
What convention?
ION, someone remind me that obsessively googling for a certain pair of vintage shoes probably isn't going to make them magically appear in my size.