Oy. The company is switching to 10-hour days for a 4-day week, for at least the summer. My personal feeling is that 10-hour days sound like VERY long days for a desk job.
The rest of the office is thrilled at the opportunity to come in at 8 and work through to 6.
By September, they'll all be longing for that extra hour of sleep, I guarantee it.
I do 7:30 to 5:30 with a 40 minute lunch. (We don't get paid for lunch.) It's a 9.4 hour day.
It really cuts the evenings short.
By September, they'll all be longing for that extra hour of sleep, I guarantee it.
I am so filled with hate right now. Work until 6, run errands, go to gym, get home at -- maybe 8? LOTS of together time with one's loved one.
And they're touting it as this Big Great Thing because "the extra day off will allow us to spend more time with loved ones." Uh, except for the part where most people's loved ones work 5-day weeks.
So evil triumphs over cute kids. Ah, well.
Working 4-10's is nice if it is optional. Making it mandatory is rough.
LOTS of together time with one's loved one.
My summer hours are going to be 7:30-4:30 this year. (Normally they'd be 8-5, but I can't stay that late because D's daycare is only open until 6. Argh.)
I just won 6 bottles of wine of dubious quality from my office using Google! Yay Google!
(The wine in question was going to be thrown out, so instead our office manager let it go for a trivia question. I have no idea how drinkable any of it's going to be - white wine isn't generally known for aging well, and these were stored in a filing cabinet, not a cellar...for 10 years...)
Working 4-10's is nice if it is optional. Making it mandatory is rough.
Oh my god. They're acting like it's the Second Goddamn Coming, and I'm ignorant for not preferring it.
white wine isn't generally known for aging well, and these were stored in a filing cabinet, not a cellar...for 10 years...
oh dear. I would open the first bottle at work so you can throw them all right in the trash instead of lugging them home only to find out they're spoiled.