LOTS of together time with one's loved one.
My summer hours are going to be 7:30-4:30 this year. (Normally they'd be 8-5, but I can't stay that late because D's daycare is only open until 6. Argh.)
I just won 6 bottles of wine of dubious quality from my office using Google! Yay Google!
(The wine in question was going to be thrown out, so instead our office manager let it go for a trivia question. I have no idea how drinkable any of it's going to be - white wine isn't generally known for aging well, and these were stored in a filing cabinet, not a cellar...for 10 years...)
Working 4-10's is nice if it is optional. Making it mandatory is rough.
Oh my god. They're acting like it's the Second Goddamn Coming, and I'm ignorant for not preferring it.
white wine isn't generally known for aging well, and these were stored in a filing cabinet, not a cellar...for 10 years...
oh dear. I would open the first bottle at work so you can throw them all right in the trash instead of lugging them home only to find out they're spoiled.
Steph, I think that's really wrong. What about people who have other commitments? 9-80 (only every other Friday off) is way easier, in my opinion. Like Jess, I would have been screwed if that had been mandatory in my job. Ellie's daycare only allowed kids to spend 10 hours there per day (on a regular basis). Plus, what about pets at home and stuff?
I would open the first bottle at work so you can throw them all right in the trash instead of lugging them home only to find out they're spoiled.
That's a good idea, actually. I wonder if anyone here has a corkscrew.
Steph, I think that's really wrong. What about people who have other commitments?
Everybody else in the office has kids (although some people's kids are adults), so I don't get how this is supposed to work.
Eh, whatev. I'm not the boss, so I don't get to make that call.
The Boy gets up early, so I'll just get up with him and tough it out. (Er, because I have no choice, actually. Want to keep your job? Then man up and work those 10-hour days!)
But of course, the first Friday I have off, I'll change my tune, and I'll start posting about how FUCKING GREAT it is to have 3-day weekends. Because I'm whimsical hypocritical like that.
FuckCake O' the Day...A Friday THREE-FER!
Me: You know, Friday the 13th has never been particularly unlucky for me.
Phone: Let's see if we can change that. *ring*
Me: May you burn for Eternity in the Hell of a Thousand Busy Signals.
Phone: Oh, I hate that sound! *ring*
Me: "bzzz...bzzz...bzzz..."
Phone: Argh! Fuck you! *ring*
FuckCake O' the Day #1: I worked the Memorial Day holiday. Do I get time and a half?
Me: Let's see...no, you got your full regular pay and your full holiday pay.
FCO'tD#1: But shouldn't I get time and a half?
Me: No, see, you get paid for the full holiday and your regular hours.
FCO'tD#1: Last place I worked gave me time and a half.
Me: Well, this is *double* time.
FCO'tD#1: What a rip-off. I should get time and a half.
Phone: Hey, you know...
Me: "bzzz...bzzz...bzzz..."
Phone: I *was* gonna say I liked your hair, but now you can fuck off and die. *ring*
FCO'tD#2: I set up a Health Savings Account, but I don't see any of my deductions going into it. I see on the paystub you're taking them off, but they're not in the account.
Me: (checks various systems and paperwork) Well, Mr. FCO'tD#2, I see that you set up your Direct Deposit *and* your HSA deductions to go to the same account. The money is in there, but it's being deposited as two separate deposits and they don't always go in at the same time.
FCO'tD#2: Why would I set it up that way?
Me: I'm sure I don't know.
FCO'tD#2: Why would you *let* me set it up that way?
Me: We assumed you knew what you were doing.
FCO'tD#2: Well *that* was where *you* made *your* mistake!
Phone: Jesus, Son of God, what is *with* these people? *ring*
Me: Tell me about it.
Phone: I just...I can't even...*ring*
Me: It's okay. I know.
FCO'tD#3: You're taking Medicare taxes out of my check. Could you please stop?
Me: What?
FCO'tD#3: I don't use Medicare and I don't plan to use Medicare, so please stop taking that out of my check.
Me: We...we can't do that. It's Federal law.
FCO'tD#3: Don't give me that, just stop.
Me: Seriously, we can't. We...it's...we can't.
FCO'tD#3: Well, who do I talk to to get this stopped?
Me: ...the IRS?
FCO'tD#3: What's their number?
I cannot believe today.
I worked a 5/4 schedule (9 hour days, one day off every other week) for some years, then switched to a traditional 8-hour schedule.
Ick on being forced to shift. But it does have a compensation or two.
You'll be able to run errands, schedule doctor's appointments, and the like when everybody else is at work. It's amazing how quiet the grocery store is at 8:30 or 9:00 a.m. And scheduling doctor's appointments for your day off means you don't have to take paid time off and can use it some other time.
FCO'tD#3: You're taking Medicare taxes out of my check. Could you please stop?
HA! Let me know how that one goes.