sj. I think that's a good plan. At least you'll know where she is for real hair emergencies, and it may not be too bad a trip. If it is, then here's hoping she can rec somebody closer to you and easier to get to.
Thanks. I'm hoping I can find another reason to go to where she is every six weeks, like a good shopping area, so I don't feel like am going out there just for that.
My nephew score all A's on his report card this year, except for an 88 in Advanced Math, which of course he's upset about. I'm so proud of him.
I'm feeling evil.
Is that the fun evil or the not fun evil?
I just posted a few pictures in my lj of CJ this morning at his 5th grade promotion. Tonight is K-Bug's graduation.
Is that the fun evil or the not fun evil?
Depends on who you're talking to. I like to think the fun evil.
evil fun is the best kind of fun.
Ok. So going to game night with the boy tonight. Meeting a bunch of his friends. EEK.
OK, it's an oldie, but it made me laugh. From Dork Tower
Vw, I don't think I've had a chance to tell you how happy I am for you with CBD. He sounds like he makes you happy which is awesome.