What did he do or say to make it clear he's not? Because you're smoking in those pictures, and I can't imagine it's not better in real life.
It's not that he's been wearing a T shirt with 'Look, I'm just not that into you' on it or anything - but, really, he seems entirely oblivious to my charms. Curse him. See, the thing is he has tonnes of mates who are girls, and hot in a not-needing-to-lose-60lb kind of way. (And, according to my mate who is also his good mate, he has previously been inclined towards dating tiny skinny wee Thai lasses. She, in addition to not at all understanding what I see in him [although she loves him to bits as a mate] doesn't think much of my chances. She calls him 'Teflon Sev' because he's lovely & charming & affable with everyone, but is rubbish at getting close to anyone. Which, since I'm much the same, isn't particularly promising.)
Despite which, I have come to the rather horrifying conclusion that he is very possibly my ideal bloke.
So obviously I realise that I should just make a tit of myself and say 'Look, I fancy you' or something, rather than spend the next forty years kicking myself about letting him get away without even trying. But I'm really not very good at this whole human social skills thing. In fact Mr Spock is probably better at flirting and pick up lines than I am. I'm just congratulating myself on having moved beyond the bunny-in-the-headlights stage, and hoping that I, you know ever see him again, what with the play being over and him heading for China in the summer. But he stayed out late on Thursday after the AfroCaribbean Dancing, which never happens, and we had a lovely evening. (For a given meaning of lovely which includes huge ranty & impassioned political arguments, in which I participated only slightly, because I didn't want to pile on my friend E, despite the fact that she was talking nonsense, and was also sort of transfixed by the awesomeness of The Bloke continuing to demonstrate his right-thinking-ness. He was all articulate and stuff, and funny, and polite, but determined and - look, it was very hot, okay?)
Anyway, yes - I think we are becoming more sort of friends now. I should see him again at least a couple more times in the next couple of weeks, and he's here for part of the summer holiday.
I am hoping to develop better social skills within the foreseeable future, so that at least I can have tried to do something about this. Even if it's horribly doomed. Because he is quite very lovely.
t / Bloke Likes Carrots