(For those playing along at home, the audition notice in question is for Pride and Succubus, which apparently "combines the longing and whimsy of Jane Austen romance with the blood thirst of vampires." I ask you, is that not made for JZ??)
wails and gnashes teeth
That sounds like a lot of fun.
It does indeed sound
for JZ!
waves at Jilli
Hey there, lovely! Have you read
yet? (Claudia Gray) I'm thinking I need to see if it's available at my bookshop today, and hoping that it will be a lovely contrast with
Killing time on the interwebs before Top Chef. Contemplating starting another blog.
Hey there, lovely! Have you read Evernight yet? (Claudia Gray)
Nope, I haven't. Let me know how it is, once you've read it.
I've decided to treat
(and its sequels) as comedies. That's the only way I can justify keeping them around as the junk-food reads they are. (
Spineless Mary Sue who smells like freesia! Werewolves! Hott vampire boy who loves her so much that he watches her while she sleeps - before they start dating! Oh, and did we mention that he can't go out in the sun because he spaaaaaaarkles?! )
The more I think about the
series, the more I'm convinced that there's something about them that just unhooks your brain while you read them. Because at the time, I just kinda bopped along going
lalalalala well these are kind of schlocky and dippy, but I'll keep reading lalalalala;
in retrospect, I keep boggling.
Jilli, I ended up buying Twilight because of what you posted about it. It really is a fun comedy, even if it isn't meant to be. So far I love
the names Bella, for both Bela Lugosi and for the beauty and the Beast reference and as soon as I read the name Edward, I thought Rochester, from Jane Eyre.
Oh, and Tep, if you're around, I heard your theme song today.
Okay, so it's actually the title song of a kids' show on PBS, but when I heard it on one of my parenting podcasts today, I thought of you.
Huh. Boggling seems very much the proper reaction to that... type, I guess, of vampire.
Hi Suzi! Long time no see.
Speaking of corsets, I just tried mine on and it looks like I'll be giving it away. It's the one that I wore to the SF2F, for those that might recall. I simply don't have the chest for it anymore. Bummer. But that means I'll get to buy a new one. Yay!
Jilli, I ended up buying Twilight because of what you posted about it. It really is a fun comedy, even if it isn't meant to be.
sj, I hope you purchased it used. IJS.
sj - don't forget her surname. She thinks she's an ugly duckling! But
she's a swan! SWAN! Ho ho!
bangs head on desk.
...mind you, I can definitely see the appeal of reading them like comedies. I have a similar (albeit guilty) approach to Laurell K Hamilton's supernatural pornapalooza. It's a bit like a drinking game. I feel I need to keep reading until Anita
shags a girl, and
takes it up the ass.
(...um. We will try to ignore the fact that I secretly like Nathaniel, despite the fact that he has ankle-length red hair. And Edward, of course, because he is awesome. From a safe distance. And because I still cling to the faint hope that he might actually kill Anita one of these days.)