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PLEASE TO WHITEFONT SPOILERS for video games, RPG modules or anything for which foreknowledge of events might lessen one's enjoyment of whatever gaming experience.
MMMph. If Medic had gotten a 3rd Yellow I'd definitely say go for it. As it is, I'm still inclined to stick to the plan, to keep Yellow from getting out of control while we put out fires in Asia.
You guys have played more of this than me, what do you think?
Istanbul, Mumbai, and/or Bangank are pretty likely to outbreak soon. Osaka is safe for the moment unless another epidemic comes up right away which isn't very likely.
If you burn your Mumbai card, we could defuse Mumbai. And if Istanbul doesn't outbreak after your turn, then Medic Gestalt could burn his Madrid card and treat Istanbul.
OTOH, we aren't set up for any chain reactions and Medic Gestalt could get to Algiers by the end of his turn while still picking up your two yellow cards. That will set us up to get the first cure pretty soon. Also we won't have burned two black cards super early in the game.
I'm also inclined to stick to the plan. Things might get kinda hairy in Asia, but we can get positioned to put out the fire pretty quickly.
Let's just hope they don't decide to reopen the bars in any of those cities.
I think we stick to the plan too. We might get a hit in the short term, but ultimately we need cures to end the game.
All right then. My actions are:
Move to Miami
Move to Bogota
Pass Bogota card to Medic
Move to Sao Paulo
bt, depending on the consequences of this, you might consider treating in Bogota before you move.
Hit it, Gud.
Okay. Our Medic now has 3 yellow cards and you are in San Paulo. You drew St. Petersburg(Blue) and Kinshasa(Yellow).
So then, Istanbul and Tehran had infections and Asia is getting overrun by Zombies. Istanbul was an outbreak, and now Tehran is on the brink.
So here's the situation...
Bingo! Medic, grab the card from me and head to Kinshasa. We should be able to have our first cure on your next turn.
Afffrica is clean we shall move to Afffrica we shall ssztudy its sssecretzzz
Move to Sao Paolo
Abzzzorb Sao Paolo into the Gestalt
Double move to Kinshasa
It has been done. Medic Gestalt has nine cards now, so you'll need to discard two.
The Gestalt says, we'll always have Paris. Only not really because we
it. And
I figure with two red cards in the hands of the astonishingly muggable Researcher, I should think about the red cure after having done with Yellow.
The Medic Gestalt has discarded Paris and Madrid. After that infections spread in Lima and Mexico City.
Things are looking like this now: