Here we go, points by category.
Consumption VPs
Connie Neil: 24
Ryan: 22
Connie's consumption alone would have been enough to end the game - with 2 players, we have 24 VPs in the VP pool. Both players racked up a big score here.
Layout Value
Connie Neil: 20
Ryan: 14
Clear lead to Connie here. Over half her points come from just three worlds Galactic Studios, New Earth and Alien Robotic Factory - that together cost 16 cards to play.
6-Cost Developments
Connie Neil: 13
Ryan: 32
Part of the reason for Connie's lead in the previous section is that Ryan played four status developments to Connie's one. (Though that one, Galactic Exchange, she maxed out at 13 points. This is the same card that Ryan played last game, for the same value.) Ryan played Free Trade Association, Galactic Survey: SETI, Merchant Guild and Prospecting Guild. Three of those four would've been worth more to Connie.
Connie Neil: 11
Ryan: 6
Connie leads here; she beat Ryan out for Most production worlds. They both claimed two First tiles (with one overlap, they both got First status development). Two tiles were unclaimed - Most Rebel military worlds, and First to 3 Uplift cards. No player ran a military strategy, making those goals harder to reach.
Let's see how that adds up.