I may have just had a documented case of "impulse buy" and picked up an Xbox One. But I got it on sale! Only $255! I couldn't resist.
Gaming 1: You are likely to be eaten by a grue
A thread for the discussion of games: board, LARP, MMORPG, video, tabletop RPG, game theory etc. etc. and all attendant news, developments and ancillary subjects thereof, as well as coordinating/scheduling games either online or IRL. All are welcome to chime in, talk about their favorite games or learn about gaming of any sort.
PLEASE TO WHITEFONT SPOILERS for video games, RPG modules or anything for which foreknowledge of events might lessen one's enjoyment of whatever gaming experience.
Time to open discussion on game 3. With two games completed, I propose that in this one we move to the standard rules for the set-up - that is, every player gets dealt a starting world and a random hand of six cards. They discard two of the cards and start play with the four remaining. This will replace the pre-determined starting hands that we've used for the first two games.
I also propose that we bring in the first expansion, The Gathering Storm. Not all of it (specifically, no additional rules or anything) - just the extra cards. There are scans of them located here: [link] For the most part, they're not particularly more complicated than those in the base game, though there are one or two exceptions. Of those 24 new cards, four of them are additional starting worlds. That means our players could draw any one of nine different worlds.
I'd like to add these cards for a few reasons. I think the expanded deck is a bit more balanced, with a couple of holes being plugged. The deck would last longer before being reshuffled. And we wouldn't just have the same four worlds playing against each other every time.
So, questions:
1. Who's in? (This is an important question.)
2. Are you on board with receiving a random starting hand instead of pre-determined?
3. Are you ok with adding the new cards from The Gathering Storm?
Vote here or via email.
I'm in for everything.
School just started back up. Brain is in anxiety mode. I'm going to pass this round.
I'm good for all three.
Tomb Raider
Somehow, I've been (mostly) disciplined, and only played a couple hours a night, and didn't stay up until dawn AND finished the game in about a week. Finished the story with 78% finding everything. I've gone back and got that up to 98%. There's a small handful of challenges not found. A mushroom, one of the cairns and mines, a stupid sun thingy. I think that's it. 61% of the achievements. Biggest thing missing are the multiplayer achievements.
I'm in! I will try very hard not to hold up the game.
Apologies for going dark, everyone. I've been flat out with a uni assignment. We submitted it today, and we give a presentation on Wednesday. And after that I can get the next game going.
"Read the Fucking Galaxy"?
no worries, it'll give me time to re-read the rules. Again.