BSG (Admiral Hoshi)
Sounds like the Basestar is actually easier to hit than a heavy raider.
Thoughts? Anyone? Bueller?
Buffy ,'Showtime'
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BSG (Admiral Hoshi)
Sounds like the Basestar is actually easier to hit than a heavy raider.
Thoughts? Anyone? Bueller?
BSG (Baltar)
The basestar is more likely to cause problems, but two Heavy Raider activations would be TWO Centurions, which would be very bad indeed. And we haven't had very good luck with cards. Helo is in a good position to fire on them.
Orders from Hoshi:
Move to Weapons Control
Activate Weapons Control against the basestar
Play Strategic Planning 3
My diminutive assistant will make the roll.
Die roll: 4 + 2 = 6. Hit! And the damage is... Disabled Hangar! Lucky it already launched two raiders.
But it's not enough for the Dutiful Hoshi, who discards Scientific Research 3 to activate Weapons Control a second time! Everyone passes on interrupts. Once again your fate is in the hands of one legally too young to drink! That may not be such a bad thing.
Die roll: 8. Hit! This time it's Structural Damage.
Ryan's done a marvellous job there, so I'm passing the hat round for him. Hoshi's crisis card is:
Requisition for Demetrius Ryan
Admiral's Choice
Admiral Hoshi, when you're ready, please post your choice of present for Ryan.
BSG (Baltar)
Well that is not a fun Crisis. Looks like you really only have the one Option, and it's time for Pegasus to take another hit. Oof.
BSG (Admiral Hoshi)
And no jump icon either. Ugg. At least the BaseStar is on its last legs. Sadly, not down enough to not fire a salvo off. I don't think we can afford one of us in the brig, unless we know s/he is the cylon.
OPTION 1. Pass on interrupts.
Fire on Pegasus.
Everyone passes on interrupts.
Die roll: 4. Fail! 2 Treachery are added to Destiny, which now contains 20 cards.
Finally, the basestar fires at Pegasus!
Die roll: 5. Hit! And it hits... Main Batteries!
That concludes Hoshi's turn. Helo's cards are going out. Helo, when you're reday, please post your move and action.
End-of-turn summary:
Round 5.1 - Hoshi
Locations and Hands
Hoshi: Weapons Control; 9 cards, 0 miracle tokens, 1 mutiny card
Helo: Sector 4; 9 cards, 1 miracle token, 2 mutiny cards
Apollo: Quorum Chamber; 10 cards, 1 miracle token, 1 mutiny card
Baltar: Sickbay; 10 cards, 1 miracle token, 0 mutiny cards
Main Board Sectors
Sector 1: 1 (DH, SD) Basestar, 2 Raiders
Sector 2: Empty
Sector 3: Civilian G
Sector 4: 2 Heavy Raiders, Civilian H, Helo
Sector 5: 3 RSVs, Civilians B D I
Sector 6: 4 RSVs, Civilians C E F J
Fuel: 6
Food: 5
Morale: 7
Population: 11
Viper Reserves: 0
Damaged Vipers: 1
Raptors: 4
Assault Raptors: 0
Boarding Party: 0
Nukes: 0
Jump Track: 1 (Red)
Distance Travelled: 4
Galactica Damage: Airlock, Main Batteries, Pegasus CIC
BSG (Helo)
Ugh sorry guys but I gotta play a Mutiny card.
Luckily the president won't suffer too much from my Blackmail.
Blackmail! Helo takes 3 random skill cards from the President. They have both received updated card holdings. That really makes this next crisis card feel nicely appropriate. Helo's crisis card is:
Insubordinate Crew
Skill Check (12 GP)
Possible interrupts: IC, SR, RO, ASC, Reckless. Everyone, please pass or play. You can also send me COs for the check itself. Apollo plays first, Helo last.
BSG (Helo)
I can help a lot on this check. Indeed I must in order to have 10 or fewer cards left at the end of my turn.