A thread for the discussion of games: board, LARP, MMORPG, video, tabletop RPG, game theory etc. etc. and all attendant news, developments and ancillary subjects thereof, as well as coordinating/scheduling games either online or IRL. All are welcome to chime in, talk about their favorite games or learn about gaming of any sort.
PLEASE TO WHITEFONT SPOILERS for video games, RPG modules or anything for which foreknowledge of events might lessen one's enjoyment of whatever gaming experience.
BSG (Hoshi)
:: crackle of open mic ::
This is Lt Hoshi on Galactica... er, I mean, This is Galactica Actual. I'm talking to the civilian ships in sector 4. We have some enemies n the air. We need you to move, ASAP. SS Alvin Ailey, please move to Sector 5. SS Bertolt Brecht, please fly to Sector 3.
Galactica Out.
::/transmission crackle ::
The ships are tempted away from Sector 4 by the stereophonic sounds of Louis "The Voice of Caprica" Hoshi. Hoshi's special ability allows him to spend a skill card to activate Communications again. Admiral Hoshi, will you do so?
BSG (Baltar)
Hey, we have an all-Daybreak crew!
BSG (Hoshi)
Admiral Hoshi, will you do so?
No thanks. I think we are good for now. Not enough cards just yet.
In that case, I can offer you instead this lovely crisis. Here, have a:
Prisoner Revolt
Skill Check (11 YGP)
Possible interrupts: IC, SR, RO, ASC, Reckless. Everyone, please pass or play. You can also send me COs for the check itself. Helo plays first, Hoshi last.
BSG (Helo)
pass on interrupts. I can help.
BSG (Hoshi)
Pass on interrupts. I can help.
Everyone passes on interrupts. The check begins:
Prisoner Revolt:
11 (6) YGP
2 cards
1 card
1 card
1 card
Hoshi is last to play.
I have everyone's play:
Prisoner Revolt:
11 (6) YGP
2 cards
1 card
1 card
1 card
2 cards
Will it be enough? Cards played:
Preventative Policy 3
Popular Influence 4
State of Emergency 6
Launch Scout 2
A Second Chance 5
Install Upgrades 0
Repair 1
Tally: 20 - 1 = 19. Pass!
The game begins memorably with a big ol' no effect. But the Install Upgrades 0 allows Hoshi to draw two Blue cards, which are going out now.
The turn ends with the basestar launching a heavy raider for a bit of variety, and the jump track advancing. That concludes Hoshi's turn. Helo's cards are going out. Helo, when you're ready, please post your move and action.