A thread for the discussion of games: board, LARP, MMORPG, video, tabletop RPG, game theory etc. etc. and all attendant news, developments and ancillary subjects thereof, as well as coordinating/scheduling games either online or IRL. All are welcome to chime in, talk about their favorite games or learn about gaming of any sort.
PLEASE TO WHITEFONT SPOILERS for video games, RPG modules or anything for which foreknowledge of events might lessen one's enjoyment of whatever gaming experience.
BSG(President Demotion)
Hmmm.We may have to write Civve K off and hope it's not the party ship. We're not too badly set up of the moment otherwise. An XO to Kat might help, if she has the right combination of cards, BUT, I do have multiple chances to raise Morale, especially if someone can help with planning.
BSG ("Chief" Galen Tyrol)
We've been hosed on jump icons for a while now. If we get a jump icon, I get another mutiny card, and off to the brig. But we really need to boost morale. I fear that is how we will lose the the game. President, if you say you can boost it, then that is what we will do.
I play XO-1 on Zarek.
BSG(President Controversy)
From the depths of the Brig, I call upon the mutineers with a
Controversial Speech!
Controversial! We have a die roll, the outcome of which
be to raise Morale. It may be modified by an SP. Everyone, please pass or play.
BSG (Kat)
I have a controversial plan!
Controversy always plays so well on HBO. How will it do in the fleet?
Die roll: 6 + 2 = 8. Pass!
It went down quite the treat. Morale increases by 1!
One action left. President Zarek, when you're ready, please post your orders.
BSG(President Perspiration)
Controversy is not the only thing the Jailbird Administration offers! I contact the Quorum and deliver an
Inspirational Speech!
This time around, Zarek drops the controversy. Will it still work for him? Controversy is kind of his shtick. Everyone passes on interrupts:
Die roll: 6. Pass!
Zarek raises Morale even without threatening to blow something up!
It's been a good turn for the humans so far. What would make it better? Probably, in no particular order, a jump icon, no raider activation, maybe a crisis card with no resources under threat? Chief's crisis card is:
Detector Sabotage
Skill Check (8 GP)
Possible interrupts: IC, SR, RO, ASC, Reckless. Everyone, please pass or play.
BSG (Romo)
2 Morale on one turn? It's not like that can't be undone in one turn. It's not like that hasn't happened twice already.
BSG(President Speechy)
Did anyone hear something? Like the clanking and grinding of a machine spinning its wheels fruitlessly?
More seriously, is there any reason we shouldn't
this check?