One labcoat was shouting numbers, while another handed various shiny items to a third. Something kept beeping. Shifting white figures huddled over her, on the inside of the pale blue partitions. I strained to see my wife, but could only glimpse tiny swatches of paisley hospital garb. I sat and waited for someone to tell me what to do.
I was handed the baby. Swaddled, with eyes half-open. I looked up to catch the younger nurse looking away. The doctor came over to say she was so sorry. I nodded and waited for someone to tell me what to do.
Should I think long or short or what?
I don't think there's a right size for a chapter. Long enough to end in places that make the reader want to say "Okay, one more chapter."
I don't know where that is.
A chapter's sort of like a paragraph. You want it to be one logical, complete thought.
Ok, something to keep in mind. Maybe I should write it and break it up later...maybe people with more sequential minds don't have to do that, but it might be an LD thing.
I have never seen the Vampire Diaries, but I think the talk about it here kind of seeped into me by osmosis. So not fan-fiction, but I think in the spirit of the show. Sung to the tune of "The Lady is a Tramp". And oh yes I did
The Lady is a Vamp
She knows liquid diets are good for her weight,
Eats boors who enter the theater late
Opposes long lives for people she hates.
That's why the lady is a vamp!
She's never worked nor coaxed nor complained.
Her lovers end with bodies and bank accounts drained.
Their deaths leave her completely unpained.
That's why the lady is a vamp!
She loves the fresh night wind in her hair,
Life without care.
She's cold, but its OK.
She hates sunlight, garlic and real silverware.
That's why the lady is a vamp!
She hates thugs armed with long wooden stakes.
Priests with large crosses give her the shakes.
She keeps native earth in all her estates!
That's why the lady is a vamp!
Congratulations on release day, Barb!