Seska, I saw that, in one of my meanders through the internets. It was interesting.
- Major* rewrites this morning...I'm not getting more specific because you probably don't care how many pages I "threw out" although I saved it as version 3, so version 2 is still in there, in case, well, in case, whatever. But I had to change it cause I thought I was getting too...gag oriented, you know...thinking "People love it/I love it when the agent and his wife bicker...absolutely must have that!" When really the true heart of the story is a movie star, his BFF, and their great love...oops forgot which forum I was in for a moment, and I'm not a slasher. But that subtext could have a place set for it like Elijah on Passover.
I was at Border's today and this guy at a table stopped me. Iw as trying to avoid him, but then he started telling me that the book he had on the table was his novel, his third, and it made me start thinking about all my wonderful Buffista authors, and how hard you all work, and so I bought a book. I'll probably read it, since I bought it, although I'm not sure it's my type. But maybe it will be awesome, so there's that.
I'm still plugging away on 55. I got it done, but my wife thought I got one of the characters wrong and I saw her point. So more rewriting. I expect this section will need more massaging in the next revision. I hope to get past it this week.
I've started to read your script erika, though I'm not far enough in for opinions yet.
Sam has some interest from a couple of publishers, but I'm not putting any eggs in any baskets and trying to remain zen.
Ohhmmmm. (zenning with Allyson and Sam)
So, got bitch-slapped with a new story idea (before I've finished the last MS) last week. After lots of hemming and hawing and whinging about how scary and different and did I mention scary? it is, I'm diving in, feet first.
Even compiled a soundtrack, which is the surest sign of my intent.
Wish me luck.
Writing and selling vibes to one and all!