So, got bitch-slapped with a new story idea (before I've finished the last MS) last week. After lots of hemming and hawing and whinging about how scary and different and did I mention scary? it is, I'm diving in, feet first.
Even compiled a soundtrack, which is the surest sign of my intent.
Wish me luck.
Writing and selling vibes to one and all!
Good luck Barb! I hope the writing goes well.
I'm hoping I'll get unstuck soon. I must vanquish this chapter so I can get past this revision.
I'm so excited: there are now 25 people who may want to take part in my pilot research. This is fab (and terrifying). I have to get my preliminary research design off the ground soon. I need to decide if I'm turning this stage of the research into an article (or some other publication form), or if I'm waiting till I've done some PhD work.
Excellent job rounding up victims Seeksa!
I'm still working on 55. I added a scene, so I'm the middle of that. I just need to bring this conversation in for a landing.
By the time I'm done with this chapter it's going to be unusually long, so I'll probably split it.
Well, wrote intro to new story yesterday.
CP deemed it hooky and is vastly amused at my trip to the dark side. Lewis called it "creepy" which, considering his particular reading background, I take as a great compliment.
We like creepy. Creepy is good!
Agent apparently likes creepy as well. She loves the intro and told me, "You're going to keep going if I have to prod you with a sharpened pencil."
Yay, Barb!
GUD! I have finished reading! It is superfabulous. Love. Really. Although you didn`t tell me you were only sending the first book! I need more.
Anyway, I`ll be sending you a more substantial assessment in email tomorrow or Thurs. But I wanted to let you know I couldn`t put it down...err, close the document or whatever is relevant for digital. I think it`s really successful. Furthermore, your edits from the first stuff I saw were strong. It`s a much tighter, more effective read now.