I'm still plugging away on 55. I got it done, but my wife thought I got one of the characters wrong and I saw her point. So more rewriting. I expect this section will need more massaging in the next revision. I hope to get past it this week.
I've started to read your script erika, though I'm not far enough in for opinions yet.
Sam has some interest from a couple of publishers, but I'm not putting any eggs in any baskets and trying to remain zen.
Ohhmmmm. (zenning with Allyson and Sam)
So, got bitch-slapped with a new story idea (before I've finished the last MS) last week. After lots of hemming and hawing and whinging about how scary and different and did I mention scary? it is, I'm diving in, feet first.
Even compiled a soundtrack, which is the surest sign of my intent.
Wish me luck.
Writing and selling vibes to one and all!
Good luck Barb! I hope the writing goes well.
I'm hoping I'll get unstuck soon. I must vanquish this chapter so I can get past this revision.
I'm so excited: there are now 25 people who may want to take part in my pilot research. This is fab (and terrifying). I have to get my preliminary research design off the ground soon. I need to decide if I'm turning this stage of the research into an article (or some other publication form), or if I'm waiting till I've done some PhD work.