Well, I've got 53 pretty much done, but the end is contingent on 54 and 54 has been trouble. I had a 54, but my wife looked at it and thought it didn't work, the characters went too far too fast. She's totally right, I tried to cram too much into too few words. I working on a slower version now which actually works out as being more dramatic since issues aren't getting solved two paragraphs later.
This brings me back to the dilemma, go big or go small. If I don't compress things in this part and don't compress the conclusion, I'm looking at 140k wc. I also have a subplot that is underdeveloped, and I've been chided for too little detail about the setting and characters (I have to be careful about that, too much detail is not considered a good thing by and large). I could add carefully sprinkle in bits to give the characters a bit more history too.
If I go big, I've got two books, likely cut at chapter 34. The end of 34 with an extra chapter to tie things up is a natural, if unexpected, ending. I think I'd have about two 90-100k books that way.
If I go small, I need to cut, cut , cut. Take a big part out of the beginning, remove the Savin & Rainier characters, remove the journey back to he Imperial City, cut a few more minor scenes, and maybe have a portion of the story that is played out be background. I can't help but think that will not be good for the story.