I may not even do that, Amy-- I may just shove it into email to my agent because if I know someone else has it, I'll be able to resist temptation to tinker even further. I mean, all she had wanted in the first place were some small fixes here and there, but given the time of year and the fact that I really hadn't gone through it with a fine-tooth comb in over a year, I decided to go ahead and go whole hog with it.
But I know I have to let it go, because if it does get bought, that's going to be at least one more revision pass if not more, so I have to keep that in mind.
Now that I think about the rocking on chapter four may slow down the next time I work on it. I have a metric buttload of backstory in the draft coming up immediately. I have to pare down everything I can get away with.
Thirty-five pages to go and one of my characters is just absolutely breaking my heart.
I just found a typo. It should be 'The man gave Martin a bow' not 'The man gave Martin a blow'. Boy, one letter makes a big difference.
Ooph, Gud. Those are always problematic. Because spell check won't catch those.
ImememeN, I am DONE.
The last 35 pages took longer than I expected, but I was being very careful to make sure all the loose ends and references were tied together, nothing left hanging. Best part, though, is when you read through and you realize those threads all pulled themselves together, seemingly without much effort on your part.
The Girls in the Basement, hard at work.
I'll let it rest a bit and maybe skim some specific bits tomorrow, then Wednesday morning, off it goes to Madame Agent.
Go Barb! Ehhhxcellent!
Gud, it will be tomorrow before I can have a look. (looks at clock) Well, later today.
Excellent Barb!
No problem Beverly, I just thank you for taking a look.
Oooph. Sooooo tired. I was exhausted when I finished last night after 1AM, but I just couldn't settle down. Mind was racing entirely too hard and fast. So up again at 6:45.
I'll probably give the last two chapters a final looksee and then send, just to get the bastard off my desk.
Glad to hear it's leaving your desk. That has to feel good.
I'm very close to being done with revised chapter 4. It's another short chapter but not out of line with chapter size in the revision. It was a such a perfect place to break though and it's right before a change in POV. Chapter 5 will be all brand spanking new stuff, but it will be pretty short.