Mal: There's plenty orders of mine that she didn't obey. Wash: Name one! Mal: She married you!

'War Stories'

The Great Write Way, Act Three: Where's the gun?

A place for Buffistas to discuss, beta and otherwise deal and dish on their non-fan fiction projects.

Gudanov - Jul 28, 2009 3:34:14 am PDT #1900 of 6690
Coding and Sleeping

Excellent Barb!

No problem Beverly, I just thank you for taking a look.

Barb - Jul 28, 2009 3:40:43 am PDT #1901 of 6690
“Not dead yet!”

Oooph. Sooooo tired. I was exhausted when I finished last night after 1AM, but I just couldn't settle down. Mind was racing entirely too hard and fast. So up again at 6:45.

I'll probably give the last two chapters a final looksee and then send, just to get the bastard off my desk.

Gudanov - Jul 28, 2009 4:55:41 am PDT #1902 of 6690
Coding and Sleeping

Glad to hear it's leaving your desk. That has to feel good.

I'm very close to being done with revised chapter 4. It's another short chapter but not out of line with chapter size in the revision. It was a such a perfect place to break though and it's right before a change in POV. Chapter 5 will be all brand spanking new stuff, but it will be pretty short.

Gudanov - Jul 28, 2009 5:16:05 am PDT #1903 of 6690
Coding and Sleeping

I'm thinking after generating new stuff for chapter 5, I may go back to chapter 1 to make a few changes based on comments I've received. I've already made a few.

erikaj - Jul 28, 2009 8:38:11 am PDT #1904 of 6690
Always Anti-fascist!

SCRIPT TIP THAT'S NOT IN A BOOK Don't read Nick Hornby and write "Entourage" at the same time. While it makes for a nice tour of The Male Experience, you'll find yourself wondering when Johnny Drama got a "mobile" pretty fast.

Gudanov - Jul 29, 2009 5:18:38 am PDT #1905 of 6690
Coding and Sleeping

Chapter 4 first revision is done. I also went back and added more revisions to chapter 1. I'm thinking of posting the evolution of chapter 1 on my blog. I think that could be kind of interesting. There are at least 4 versions so far that I could post up there.

Tonight, more chapter 5 I think. I have a couple of paragraphs, but that's it so far. Hopefully, it will be the last all new chapter for a bit.

Gudanov - Jul 30, 2009 4:51:16 am PDT #1906 of 6690
Coding and Sleeping

I worked on my blog for awhile and finally really got going on chapter 5. Chapter 5 is all brand new so it is the first time I've written something brand new since I've done some revision. Chapter 1 was all new, but I hadn't revised anything yet when I wrote it. I think my initial writing has improved quite a bit as a result of having done some revision.

Beverly - Jul 30, 2009 9:05:27 am PDT #1907 of 6690
Days shrink and grow cold, sunlight through leaves is my song. Winter is long.

Revision will do that. Look at that word--it says re-vision. You're looking at your story anew. I think I enjoy revision and refining the vision better than getting the story down rough, but that's just me. I'm a tweaker by nature.

No, not that kind of tweaker, the kind who stands in front of a table arranging and rearranging the objects on it until they make a *perfect* and balanced display.

Yeah, revision can be an addiction. "No wait, I can make this *even better!*"

Gudanov - Jul 30, 2009 9:30:09 am PDT #1908 of 6690
Coding and Sleeping

I probably prefer the rough draft process, but there is something satisfying about polishing too.

Now that I've done some revision, I'm much more sensitive to using words that tell emotions, starting sentences certain ways, using passive voice, and other stuff.

Also, thanks for being willing to look at more chapters Bev.

Gudanov - Jul 30, 2009 10:35:11 am PDT #1909 of 6690
Coding and Sleeping

Oooh, I should be getting my copy of MS Word tomorrow. I've been spending a lot of time in my word processor and Open Office has worked well enough, but it just isn't as good as Word. Also, MS Office for home use is unexpectedly cheap.