Mal: There's plenty orders of mine that she didn't obey. Wash: Name one! Mal: She married you!

'War Stories'

The Great Write Way, Act Three: Where's the gun?

A place for Buffistas to discuss, beta and otherwise deal and dish on their non-fan fiction projects.

Gudanov - Jul 18, 2009 5:21:14 pm PDT #1850 of 6690
Coding and Sleeping

Chapter 1 will be a total loss. Pretty much as expected though. Chapter 2 will get axed pretty hard too. All for the best.

Gudanov - Jul 20, 2009 9:04:44 am PDT #1851 of 6690
Coding and Sleeping

I've started revising. I chopped off all the stuff that happened before the action in chapter 1 and I'm rewriting the action sequence itself. Chapter 2 shouldn't be quite as drastic as chapter 1, but it still will get mauled pretty badly. Chapter 3 should stay pretty intact.

Gudanov - Jul 21, 2009 4:44:52 am PDT #1852 of 6690
Coding and Sleeping

I'm getting closer to revised chapter 1. However, partly that is because chapter 1 is shorter and a bit of it is pushed into chapter 2. It seems better to me. My wife says it is way better so far.

Gudanov - Jul 21, 2009 6:14:13 am PDT #1853 of 6690
Coding and Sleeping

My wife has been extensively researching revision. She tends to research things, it's a thing. Anyhow she applied that research to part of chapter 16 and concluded that she isn't going to be able to help me much with general revision. This is just fine with me, because I can't really see wanting to use anything I didn't write (aside from typo correction and such). Also, I kinda think I'm a bit better at dialogue and description though that's probably because it's my story rather than just general ability. Though I also think she took some revision advice a bit too much at heart. She removed a good amount of descriptive narrative as unnecessary and it made it read flat to me.

Amy - Jul 21, 2009 6:49:52 am PDT #1854 of 6690
Because books.

Gud, it sounds like she's interested (and maybe would like to write something of her own one day?), but there are no hard and fast rules to revision. Cutting out all the descriptors is ... not a good idea. *Some*, maybe, but not all.

Plus, even editors don't go in and just make wholesale changes. You make suggestions, and you explain *why* you're making them, and you have to trust your author, at some point, because it's his or her voice, and story.

It sounds like you're rocking right along, though. And as long as you know what you want, then stick with it.

Gudanov - Jul 21, 2009 6:59:28 am PDT #1855 of 6690
Coding and Sleeping

I'm moving along, but I'm looking forward getting to a part where I'm not completely rewriting everything.

Allyson - Jul 21, 2009 9:16:31 am PDT #1856 of 6690
Wait, is this real-world child support, where the money goes to buy food for the kids, or MRA fantasyland child support where the women just buy Ferraris and cocaine? -Jessica

I have one last rewrite to do before Agent Kate can send it out to editors.

Quick! Say something encouraging!!!!

Connie Neil - Jul 21, 2009 9:23:14 am PDT #1857 of 6690

Yay, Allyson!

Laura - Jul 21, 2009 9:28:18 am PDT #1858 of 6690
Our wings are not tired.

I have one last rewrite to do before Agent Kate can send it out to editors.

Encouraging words:

one last

These are all good things. Go to it!

edited for line breaks!

Gudanov - Jul 21, 2009 9:28:41 am PDT #1859 of 6690
Coding and Sleeping

Go Allyson!