Hypothetically, if your car broke down on the highway and you were a ways from home and didn't have AAA, who would you call? I mean, you'd want a local tow-truck, so how would you find one?
What other people said about AAA. Or I'd use googlemaps on my cellphone to call a local gas station? Might depend on what the issue was with the car.
I might just sit on teh side of the road and cry and cry.
We're really not getting let go early today. I'm annoyed! But shouldn't be! I hate when things usually happen, but in an unofficial way.
Everybody down here has left but I am stuck working on stupid document. feh.
We never have had an unofficial early leave (well, some people may leave early, but they record it as such.) It's always official, which means it only occurs in cases of national disaster or local extreme weather. Or when the power goes out.
Dh once call AAA for a jump - we aren't members. They couldn't help - they had too many members ahead of him, so they gave him a number of a tow truck company. So AAA can be helpful even when you aren't a member.
this weekend - moving some furniture and stuff out of the dinning room in order to start the new dinning room /kitchen floor. but not sure how far we are going to ge twith that . DH needs to rest some after a 12 day work week
I'm headed up to the Bay Area for my uncle's surprise 80th birthday party. Should you really have a surprise party for an 80 year old? He is in ridiculously good shape for his age and most would think he was in his late 60s, but still...
I just told my people that I was officially looking the other way and that they should get out of here.
I wish my boss would do the same for me, but his Son-in-Law was graduated in the class today, so he's not paying attention to us poor, worky folks.
Also, I cut Sam Alito off at the bar so I could get a refill of my glass of wine, but one of his Secret Service agents wasn't watching where he was going and spilled my first glass.
Quick, everyone - what are you working on
right this second?
I have discovered this:
oNode.Parent.Parent = DINO
Har! Call in an anonymous tip that he's a lush.
Things not to do at 4:30 on a holiday weekend -- Remember that the catering people have not confirmed the order for Tuesday and call to confirm. Now, I just have to take what they have in the kitchen. I said I just needed a protein, a starch, and a vegetable.
Right this second I am putting entries in the change log. Well, I was before tommy distracted me. Now I'm typing on the web and thinking about shiny chocolate fountains.