Dh once call AAA for a jump - we aren't members. They couldn't help - they had too many members ahead of him, so they gave him a number of a tow truck company. So AAA can be helpful even when you aren't a member.
this weekend - moving some furniture and stuff out of the dinning room in order to start the new dinning room /kitchen floor. but not sure how far we are going to ge twith that . DH needs to rest some after a 12 day work week
I'm headed up to the Bay Area for my uncle's surprise 80th birthday party. Should you really have a surprise party for an 80 year old? He is in ridiculously good shape for his age and most would think he was in his late 60s, but still...
I just told my people that I was officially looking the other way and that they should get out of here.
I wish my boss would do the same for me, but his Son-in-Law was graduated in the class today, so he's not paying attention to us poor, worky folks.
Also, I cut Sam Alito off at the bar so I could get a refill of my glass of wine, but one of his Secret Service agents wasn't watching where he was going and spilled my first glass.
Quick, everyone - what are you working on
right this second?
I have discovered this:
oNode.Parent.Parent = DINO
Har! Call in an anonymous tip that he's a lush.
Things not to do at 4:30 on a holiday weekend -- Remember that the catering people have not confirmed the order for Tuesday and call to confirm. Now, I just have to take what they have in the kitchen. I said I just needed a protein, a starch, and a vegetable.
Right this second I am putting entries in the change log. Well, I was before tommy distracted me. Now I'm typing on the web and thinking about shiny chocolate fountains.
Quick, everyone - what are you working on right this second?
Time entry for an attorney, Fed-Exing a package, and google mapping my way to Emmett's tournament.
Right this second I am a cat bed but I should be on my way to work.
Right this second I'm updating a meeting on my calendar that got moved from every Tuesday to every Thurs.
Right this second I'm printing the "Closed Monday for Memorial Day" sign.