meara, I'm just happy that they did not
go out on a dumbass cliffhanger. Will Meredith find Derek? Will Derek find Meredith? Will Derek give up AGAIN and make do with Rose? They also did not do that thing where someone opens a door and we don't know who's on ther other side.
Not that I am convinced this whole "lemme run out for a minute and break up with Rose... be back in a jif" will go as planned. Though it would be nice if it did.
Who knew we had the same issues, Kristen? Because I was driven to violence and despair where you were.
Now that you say that, I can see where we might have the same issues. (For obviously different reasons.) I think everyone should get to have a
"shut up and let me work"
Heh. I think there should be lots MORE of those moments, Kristen, but then I suppose if there were, it wouldn't be quite the same show. But I definitely have not loved Christina this season as much as I have in the past....mostly because she hasn't been DOING much this season. Moping around and being shoved into the background. Boring! And since I haven't much enjoyed the storylines that have caused her character to be backgrounded...all the more reason to be grumpy. Next season. Next season.
Wonder if they'll run a marathon any time, or reruns over the summer. I didn't so much drop GA as forget it existed after last season. But I do like a good WTF.
Kat, I love Bubbles!Noah and Giggles!Grace. I mean, they're always cute, but esp. those.
It's very hard to be motivated when my boss is not here.
Longing~for~bubbles~Noah killed me ded. So sweet to see the twins chomping side by side.
I really like my co-workers, but their need to start every day by bitching and complaining is just too much. They've been kvelling for an hour, and because of the cubicles, my only respite is to put on my earphones and turn the music way up.
Oh, and if you happened to find a cellphone and then it rang, would you pick up?
I find them all the time (oh, students), and I never know what to do -- I mean, it could be the person who lost it, but on the other hand, if it's not, then I feel like I'm really invading their privacy. Ack.
The Onion:
Obama, Clinton, McCain Join Forces To Form Nightmare Ticket
The candidates said they had not yet decided who would fill the offices of president, vice president, and a new post the nominees are calling "the middle president." They did, however, confirm that each would choose his or her own full cabinet, would be able to veto any bills the others sign into law, and would reserve the right to cast the tie-breaking, tie-making, and tie-rebreaking votes in the Senate.
At the top of the platform is a military strategy calling for the phased withdrawal of .000006 brigades from Iraq and Afghanistan every seven months over the next 350 years. Universal health care would also be provided, taken away on McCain's birthday, and then provided again only to those wealthy enough to afford it. Abortions would be made available on every other even-numbered Friday from 3:00 to 4:00 p.m. EST to all women who can prove residency in Alaska or Nevada. And an entirely new immigration policy will be instituted, sources said, as soon as the candidates can stand to be in the same room with one another for more than five minutes.
I was going to say the same thing as Burrell re: self-feeding. Dylan will self-feed finger food until the cows come home, but considers spoons to be primarily useful for making loud banging noises on the table. Oh, and you can also use them to fling food onto the floor. Mommy makes funny noises when you do that! Hahaha!
Flickr won't let me see the adorable Noah pics. BOO.
it could be the person who lost it, but on the other hand, if it's not, then I feel like I'm really invading their privacy. Ack.
Yeah, that's what I was thinking.