Thai can burn me the way the hottest green chile from NM can't. I'm told red is hotter, but I don't like it much, no matter the spice (red tastes meatier and sweatier. I like the green taste better-which is also why I like thai food despite the heat. It's a green flavor. Hate the sweaty.) It doesn't last as long, though. Which is nice.
My dad claims the hottest he's ever had (and he likes breaking out in a pouring sweat over spicy heat) was vietnamese and it made him puke.
There's a lot of Thai (in the U.S. anyway) that's not spicy, but yeah, the potential is there.
ION, I was just ordering meds for the dog online from 1-800-petmeds, and in addition to wanting an actual birthdate, one of their clicky options for the pet's medical conditions is "mental confusion." Seriously? Like, when I ask her where she was on Tuesday the 8th, she mixes it up with last Christmas?
I've had Thai that was so spicy (little did I know) that it felt like an explosion in my mouth.
brenda, it's for when she wakes you up at 2 am instead of 5.
Unless it is a cat, in which case they just fuck with you. (I swear, MK alters his burrow in to me time at random. Yeah, he's old, but he's not senile. Just bored at 3 am so he sticks his paws into my neck then.)
More seriously, I have seen that in animals. It's hard to miss and heartbreaking and you know it when you see it.
Yeah, I can imagine. I get weirded out when she changes her tiniest habits, so yeah. But the phrasing or something totally threw me.
Brenda, Mac went senile her last few months. She'd get confused about where her food was, who we were and had daily accidents all over the house. A friend of ours medicated her elderly dog for "doggie Alzheimers" with some sort of anti-anxiety drug.
I saved us $75 tonight by pulling a dinosaur out of the toilet. They have these $2 zip cords at Lowes--flexible plastic strips with teeth on them. I used it to fish the thing out of the s-bend.
I think the moral is that I have to take anti-nausea medication twice a day, prophylactically. As well as anti-heartburn meds.
But today has been completely weirded out for me. I did work, I swear, it's just that the day doesn't feel linear.
Hmm... a non linear day would be too confusing for me.
Have any of you ever used BookMooch? [link] I have such a glut of books I don't want that need a new home. I'm thinking this is a doable solution.
Huh. I've never heard of BookMooch, but I may need to look into it next time I do a book purge.
Someone - Theodosia? - around here has talked that up.