OK, you are not watching PBS. Maybe. Secrets of the Dead can get iffy.
I'm feeling increasingly happy about today's informal consult. I still feel really unsteady in the new job (at 8ish months in) but I got to show off stuff that made a huge positive impression, and while I still flail wildly in places, I was able to do an informal presentation that someone went "Oh hell, COOL! WANT !" to. I didn't do the software, but I explained it well. Which, honestly, is a strength I'd known, but I'd never had the chance to use it yet in this job.
And I really do know more than I give myself credit for. Or admit to myself. Shhh.
Sara, it's time to give yourself more credit!
Ugh. the 90210 thing made me queasy.
I'm so stealing this!
You can't steal what you have my blessing to have. :)
Sometimes you close your eyes during the documentary to rest them, and sometimes you close them because they're loading maggots into a patient's abcess.
There are things that will make me stop watching the TV. This is not one of them.
Yeah, well, I know. It's a known issue for me.
My strawberry plant has two baby strawberries. We'll see if I can see them (and incipient blossoms) to fruition.
It was a very big abcess. And a very big patient. Teensy little maggotses, though. The bees and the leeches and the mouth to mouth with chickens and the baboon grinding were okay. For some reason the maggots were more than I wanted.
I am glad to have had the pizza, though! I don't think I can rush back into wheat or tyramine-laced foods, even though they're not magic.
If I don't make it back someone will feed my cats, right?
No? That's disheartening. Good thing it was legit.
Oh, and sometimes you close your eyes because the documentary is Koyaanisqatsi
I keep thinking I want to see this again. But it's one of those brilliant things that is very hard to watch.
I'm ignoring the maggot stuff.
Have you ever seen the documentary directed by Diane Keaton called Heaven? Very dated looking, but really interesting approach to the subject.
Good thing it was legit.
Did it pan out?
I did not know that Diane Keaton was in the documentary business. Huh. What was her slant?
If they're going to offer me any shows it should happen in the next 2 weeks. We'll see.
I don't know if she's done any others. Heaven was a lot of interviews of mostly random people about their thoughts on heaven, hell, God and the devil. It's been a long time since I saw it, but I think one of the things I liked about it was that she didn't give it a slant. It was more about the questions than any real statement.
Hi Everyone.
I guess I'm a little late in the game finding this site, but I'm glad I did. I sure I have a lot of catching up to do. I just wanted to introduce myself.
I'm Victor (totally hard to guess, I know). I live in Madison, WI and am a fan of way too much TV. Right now, I'm leeching off what little wifi I can grab from somewhere in the neighborhood because I just moved to a new place and have yet to get cable and internet set up.
I just wanted to say hi so I won't give y'all the full bio.