I'm still not convinced. With this origin story, wouldn't you just become a vibrator fetishist? It just doesn't seem confined to boats. It could be a wind-up duck, but I don't see toy duck fetishists!
I'm with bon-- I am still a little skeptical until a toy boat fetishist explains it all.
Tommy, that cat is slightly out of the bag. Also an xkcd cartoon.
Yeah, after I posted that, I was thinking, "Wait, that's not an original thought...."
Tonight is Date Night, sponsored by the daycare center at our gym. For $10, they will babysit the kids for 2 1/2 hours at the gym while we go out. We're trying to decide if we should go out to dinner or see a movie.
Someone stole our two recylcing containers yesterday. What sucks is that I spent a lot of time painting them with our address, and all our recycling rules along the rims of the containers (what types of plastics they take, no lids, glass colors, etc.) If someone wanted the aluminum cans, they were welcome to them but those containers were expensive and now we have to go buy new ones.
I'm with bon-- I am still a little skeptical until a toy boat fetishist explains it all.
Someone needs to post an appeal on craigslist, looking for a toy boat fetishist to Explain Everything.
Tonight is Date Night, sponsored by the daycare center at our gym. For $10, they will babysit the kids for 2 1/2 hours at the gym while we go out.
That's so cool! I should find out if there's anything like that here. (Probably not for kids under 2, but it would be good to know for the future.)
Cash, people suck. (Doesn't your city give you recycling containers?)
Saturday: Drop DH off at 6 a.m. for his ride to the Frisbee tournament in PA. Play with Puppy. Possibly go to bonny's yappy hour with puppy. Watch Torchwood.
Sunday: Play with puppy. Drop puppy off at daycare & go to Faculty luncheon at the Willard. Pick up puppy. Play with puppy. Watch Dr. Who.
to figure out where That Smell is coming from in my kitchen.
Now I'm earwormed with Lynard Skynard.
So, no one google "toy duck fetishists"!
What about "dead gay toy duck fetishists"?
Doesn't your city give you recycling containers?
They do have containers, but they're pretty small for our use. We go through a lot of recycable containers (soda cans, jars--apple sauce, jam, peanut butter, spaghetti sauce, etc., plastic bottles of juices and milk, beer & wine bottles, etc.) and our pick up is only every other week. So we used heavy-duty, lidded, 33 gallon trash bins to hold all the stuff.
There have been reports of recycling scavengers in the newspaper--and a letter from the city because it's stealing revenue from them. I suspect that the lure of the aluminum theft is tempting because it's easy money on the night before trash/recycling collections.
That's so cool! I should find out if there's anything like that here. (Probably not for kids under 2, but it would be good to know for the future.)
seekrit link for Jessica's future: [link]