WHEE! MARRIAGE FOR ALL! (not available in all locations)
I had a half day today. Meeting at mac's school for me to update them on his therapy and issues and blah blah blah cakes - wherein they told me how much improvement (read lack of calls to deal with him) he has had in the last month and how lucky he was to have me (read kissing my ass because they get that I will be up on their ass more than a lot of the parents they deal with). Funniest part was when they said "I know it is good for the kids to get outside, but.." and I jumped in and said, "if they don't get outside and have activity you will have more problems, that is the problem with behavior in the winter, these are kids." and they still tried to justified wanting to limit outside time because it is "so hard" and "kids get hurt" and "they get so worked up".
DUDE! Have you met KIDS?
I have tremendous respect for teachers and educators. This one woman I think does a lot of good in this school, but really she has made me shake my head more than once.
Yay! Now I can get gay married on EITHER COAST!
Too bad I don't have anyone to get gay married to. Sigh.
they still tried to justified wanting to limit outside time because it is "so hard" and "kids get hurt" and "they get so worked up".
What is easier than sending kids outside while you stand on the side bitching with your coworkers?? What? I've worked in child care...
yay, California!
So, I admit to being lazy, but, for those that have read the decision, does this mean those who got married in SF are un-anulled or do they have to get remarried?
Well done California! Woo!
they still tried to justified wanting to limit outside time because it is "so hard" and "kids get hurt" and "they get so worked up".
They "get so worked up"? Um, yeah. And then they use up that energy playing outside. Because, as you have so astutely pointed out, they are kids.
Go California! Way to be awesome!
and they still tried to justified wanting to limit outside time because it is "so hard" and "kids get hurt" and "they get so worked up".
Okay, she deserves to have to deal with difficult children! (Their parents, however, do not.)