Also from Sullivan:
Rainbows On The Mind
This is for you, Jon Stewart. A high school principal banned any clothing that could imply support for gays and lesbians. Including, er, rainbows. A student sued:
During the trial, which was held in Panama City yesterday and today, Ponce de Leon High School's principal David Davis admitted under oath that he had banned students from wearing any clothing or symbols supporting equal rights for gay people. Davis also testified that he believed rainbows were "sexually suggestive" and would make students unable to study because they'd be picturing gay sex acts in their mind. The principal went on to admit that while censoring rainbows and gay pride messages he allowed students to wear other symbols many find controversial, such as the Confederate flag.
He lost the case. Many in Panama City conceded that the Confederate flag also gave them a boner.
OMG I love my state! This is the best anniversary present I could ever have asked for!
::never stops squeeing::
I did not know about California striking down miscegenation bans....
1948! Perez v. Sharp. That was, you'll note, 19 years before Loving v. Virginia, which struck it down for all the rest of the states (if they hadn't already taken care of it themselves).
Happy anniversary, JZ and Hec!
Happy Birthday to Megan!
Happy Anniversary to JZ & Hec!
Go California!
I gotta call my mom who called to tease me about "getting the gay marraige before California" a few years back.
Happy birthday, Megan!
Happy gay married day, my fellow Californians!!!
The most populous state now joins much of the rest of the Western world in bringing gay couples into the civic and human family as equals.
He's talking about places other than America, right? Because as far as I know, Massachusetts is still the only other state allowing gay marriage.