they still tried to justified wanting to limit outside time because it is "so hard" and "kids get hurt" and "they get so worked up".
What is easier than sending kids outside while you stand on the side bitching with your coworkers?? What? I've worked in child care...
yay, California!
So, I admit to being lazy, but, for those that have read the decision, does this mean those who got married in SF are un-anulled or do they have to get remarried?
Well done California! Woo!
they still tried to justified wanting to limit outside time because it is "so hard" and "kids get hurt" and "they get so worked up".
They "get so worked up"? Um, yeah. And then they use up that energy playing outside. Because, as you have so astutely pointed out, they are kids.
Go California! Way to be awesome!
and they still tried to justified wanting to limit outside time because it is "so hard" and "kids get hurt" and "they get so worked up".
Okay, she deserves to have to deal with difficult children! (Their parents, however, do not.)
Woo hoo on the Big Gay Love and Marriage!
Very nice anniversary present. Thank you Cali Supremes.
I have a feeling there will be a big ol' spontaneous street party in SF tonight.
Happy birthday, Megan!
Davis also testified that he believed rainbows were "sexually suggestive" and would make students unable to study because they'd be picturing gay sex acts in their mind.
Either he doesn't know what the word "rainbow" means (
You keep using that word; I don't think it means what you think it means
) or he's projecting one hell of a strange fetish of his own.
Happy Birthday Megan!
Happy Anniversary JZ & Hec!
or he's projecting one hell of a strange fetish of his own.
He's into Rainbow Connections.