When our president is involved, you have to read the fine print on that.
Yes, rethinking it, given the city I live in...
There are places I can go, but you know, I just don't wanna die yet or justify other people's twisted opinions.
Welcome to Israel: EVERYTHING is a political statement.
Plus, do you WANT me to get arrested? Like I'm going to be able to be in the same city as a Now-Not-President Fuckmonkey Bush and NOT seek him out to punch him in the cock so hard he pees from his nose the rest of his life?
Obviously, the solution is for you to move back to LA so that Dubya can have Aimee's old job.
Obviously, the solution is for you to move back to LA so that Dubya can have Aimee's old job.
see? a win in every direction.
::imagines Aims picking up the phone to discover Dubya has a question about how something was done when she was there . . . and Aims telling him where he can file it::
shushing each other and eating delivery PieWorks (lisah, you remember them?) dessert pizza: cold crust, cream cheese-based sauce and fresh strawberries, kiwi, mandarin oranges and chocolate chips
Pieworks was one of the first things I saw when I drove into Greensboro and I was sadly disappointed that it was a pizza pie and not a pie pie place.
Our receptionist, having gone to the doctor, has come in and announced to us all that she has a stomach virus.
Then again, who plays racquetball in a flooded court?
Whales, probably.
Speaking of politics, The Daily Show sure did a number on West Virginia last night.
He seriously did. I'd have been very uncomfortable with it if it wasn't for the comments they found, which really deserved the abuse.
Sings the "Happy Anniversary" song for the Zmayhems
Ooh, look what I found the other day when I wasn't paying attention and walked two blocks past my bus stop: [link]