I did have to pay this year,
Q. I chose direct debit to pay my tax bill. Will my stimulus payment be direct deposited to the same account?
A. No, the account information used for an incoming direct debit payment to the IRS cannot be used as the account information for the direct deposit of the stimulus payment. People who choose direct debit to pay a balance due will receive their stimulus payments by paper check through the mail. [Updated 3/3/08]
And remember, you'll effectively get the rest next year.
People who choose direct debit to pay a balance due will receive their stimulus payments by paper check through the mail.
Ahhh, shit. Oh, well, so much for paying off that credit card this month.
Another good [link] :
Many people don't know that:
"In general, the payment schedule only applies if your return was received and the IRS finished processing it before April 15. If you filed your return on time, but close to the April 15 deadline, the IRS may not have finished processing it before April 15.
"Processing times for tax returns and stimulus payments vary. If you are getting a regular income-tax refund, the IRS will send you that refund first. Normally, your stimulus payment will follow one to two weeks later."
"Taxpayers...[who had] return preparation fees deducted from their refunds, cannot receive their stimulus payments by direct deposit and instead will get paper checks based on the paper check distribution schedule."
Dunno if any of that applies to you, Allyson.
And remember, you'll effectively get the rest next year.
I don't think so - last time it worked that way as an advance upon a (new) future tax cut, but my understanding is that it's set up differently.
I think my mental space at this moment can be summed up thusly: coworker walking by the door, talking about some random thing: "weebles wobble but they don't fall down." I call out "Unless I SMASH THEM."
I just managed to eat my lunch. I think I should have earlier.
For those who don't have your check yet, like me, you can go here:
and it is supposed to tell you where your check is. (Or that they have no info which is what they say if they haven't processed it yet.)
The tax rebate is an advance credit for tax year 2008 and will be calculated on your 2008 return. If you're due a higher payment, you'll get the remainder next year when you file. If you received a higher rebate (payment) than you should have, you DO NOT have to pay it back. [link]
I thought I might get the full $900, but it looks like it will only be $600. and I say only realizing that I am a lucky dog wrt refunds.
ION - I cannot stop singing - SCHOOLS OUT FOR SUMMER!