Timelies, Buffistas.
Work. Don't wanna.
Edit: I think I just understood this week HOW MUCH I COULD USE A VACATION. Even just a day off would make things so much better.
Alas, the best chance for me to get that break won't be until May 7th. So right now, I'm just gonna make myself ice tea and dream of lack of responsibility and hanging out with friends.
I'm going to run away to OSV this afternoon, with friends and their kids, which should be ultra-fun! And yet I will dutifully be able to attend part of my class in the morning, so my guilt should be minimal....
I'm still reading the comments, but this response to the boobies thing so far has me nodding like a bobblehead.
Edit: I think I just understood this week HOW MUCH I COULD USE A VACATION. Even just a day off would make things so much better.
Shir is me.
I've been so many of you in the past few hours.
No wonder I'm feeling a little bit confused and amused.
Shir i'll try to enjoy the day i'm taking off for the both of us, okay? although if i feel anything like i did yesterday it won't be all that enjoyable. bleh.
in other news, i'm ready to throw my laptop out the nearest fucking window. this blinking screen crap is ridiculous and i refuse to ship this back FOR THE FIFTH TIME IN 15 MONTHS to get it fixed. there's a no tax weekend this weekend. i'm really considering getting a VAIO or a toshiba. there's some on sale at best buy. decisions, decisions...
Oh, thanks tiggy! I hope you'll have a great day, and that you'll feel better.
And sorry about the laptop crap.
Already this morning: I have a headache, I couldn't find my iPod, and it's ass cold here. Also, I woke up and discovered a cat snuggling in on either side of me, it was very hard to get up and disturb such coziness.
Dear co-worker:
Please consider using the other categories we have instead of leaving all of the sites that were assigned to you under the same initial category, the way you got it.
I can't do everything.
She who has no idea why it isn't weekend yet
I woke up with a headache that hasn't gone away yet. God damn tree sex.
A 23-year-old kid at work told another one of the girls he likes to date cougars
Grammar is hard. I first read this as "... one of the girls [whom] he likes to date [goes cougaring]," and was surprised that you could use it as a verb. Then it was "one of the girls [whom] he likes[, he told her] to date cougars."
Am I the only one this shit happens to? I swear I can read!
To be fair, cons also have a lot of women who (just as in normal society) seem to be (for whatever reason) very, um, attention-invitey and even appreciative of leering, if not groping. NOT ALL. And most are fine with groping from people they know and not strangers, which is totally their right, but there are some who at least give the impression of being okay with the leery/gropy thing, and even if they're just being polite and actually really do mind it, not all of the attendees have the skills to perceive that, so they think it's fine. And that doesn't make this whole thing okay at all. I'm just saying, it ends up being somewhat reinforcing of the behavior.
That was all very presumptuous-of-motivation of me and vastly oversimplifying, but I do know women who might, in the con atmosphere and in the swing of things, find such a thing entertaining and even flattering. Which does promote the atmosphere which PM and Jilli describe, which is no good.
Whew. Basically, I'm saying that whole thing was dumb and they should have known better, and also I can see how such a thing would get started.
For what it's worth, I have very seldom been harrassed in any way at a con, but that's probably because I am often a) full of the look of doom, b) accompanied by the likes of Joe, and finally and perhaps most significantly c) small of bosom.
In Look of Doom news, I will add that the only times strangers ever approached me when I was out dancing was when they came up from behind and thus couldn't see the look on my face. I have an unwelcoming face.