I'm fairly sure that a British 00 doesn't actually exist. I was assuming it was American 00 they were referring to (which would be UK Size 4. Which I've also never seen anywhere in my life, but seems much more likely than for the sizes to actually go down to 00).
Most UK High Street shops go down to a size 8 and up to a size 18. To get bigger or smaller sizes you really need to seek out more specialist shops.
This is just an assumption, though. If they DO make UK size 00, that is very fucking scary indeed.
(In Bloke I Fancy News: yep, still fanciable. Still haven't asked him out. You know on
South Park,
how Kyle [possibly? Or was it the other one?] was in the habit of barfing whenever he got near the girl he fancied? Well, I'm doing a bit better than that, but that whole asking-him-out thing - not so much happening in the immediate, sober future, I fear. I am, however, working very hard on developing better social skills.)
Also, I have now lost 2 1/2 stone (35lb) since January. I am made of awesome!
not so much happening in the immediate, sober future, I fear
Fay, you're British. No British relationship has ever begun in a sober state, in my experience.
Also, 2 and half stone! Good Lord, well done!!!
Fay, you're British. No British relationship has ever begun in a sober state, in my experience.
I'm pretty sure TomW would agree with this, in the case of our relationship at least.
I will say that Tom and I crushed on each other for a long while before getting together, but didn't make a move because we were each convinced there was no way the other one would feel the same. Then Cinco de Mayo came along- and many, many beers. Then bliss!
Most UK High Street shops go down to a size 8 and up to a size 18. To get bigger or smaller sizes you really need to seek out more specialist shops.
There's one woman I know who's tiny, both height and weight, and buys Size 6. A lot of the time she's looking in the kid's section for something she could get away with.
Just took my Spanish final. I have *no* idea how I did. Pass-the-class~ma would be so appreciated. I really can't bare to take Spanish 101 for the 4th time!
I am having such a Monday: I woke up feeling kind of lousy so I turned on the burner to heat up water for tea. Went about my business, time passes and the kettle doesn't whistle. . . but I can smell something burning.
I go back to the kitchen, discover I had turned on the back, not the front burner and have ruined my lovely enameled stock pot. (It's enamel over cast iron - I think.) So, that's ruined.
And as I'm riding the bus to work, I realize that I hadn't checked the burner to see if there was enamel on the burner. If I have to replace the burner on my stovetop. . . what kind of cost am I looking at?
One of our babysitters is 18 and she's not 5 feet tall and probably doesn't weigh 100 lbs. I know she can still wear childrens' sizes. She's going to be a very tiny woman.
I am full of gronk because the kids woke up before 6 a.m. today.
sumi, generally burners aren't that expensive, because they are sized universally. So unless you have a super-special stovetop, you're probably going to be able to replace for $25-50.
I got up this morning at 5 a.m. to exercise and am now eating my lunch sandwich because I'm so hungry. oops!