Fay, you're British. No British relationship has ever begun in a sober state, in my experience.
I'm pretty sure TomW would agree with this, in the case of our relationship at least.
I will say that Tom and I crushed on each other for a long while before getting together, but didn't make a move because we were each convinced there was no way the other one would feel the same. Then Cinco de Mayo came along- and many, many beers. Then bliss!
Most UK High Street shops go down to a size 8 and up to a size 18. To get bigger or smaller sizes you really need to seek out more specialist shops.
There's one woman I know who's tiny, both height and weight, and buys Size 6. A lot of the time she's looking in the kid's section for something she could get away with.
Just took my Spanish final. I have *no* idea how I did. Pass-the-class~ma would be so appreciated. I really can't bare to take Spanish 101 for the 4th time!
I am having such a Monday: I woke up feeling kind of lousy so I turned on the burner to heat up water for tea. Went about my business, time passes and the kettle doesn't whistle. . . but I can smell something burning.
I go back to the kitchen, discover I had turned on the back, not the front burner and have ruined my lovely enameled stock pot. (It's enamel over cast iron - I think.) So, that's ruined.
And as I'm riding the bus to work, I realize that I hadn't checked the burner to see if there was enamel on the burner. If I have to replace the burner on my stovetop. . . what kind of cost am I looking at?
One of our babysitters is 18 and she's not 5 feet tall and probably doesn't weigh 100 lbs. I know she can still wear childrens' sizes. She's going to be a very tiny woman.
I am full of gronk because the kids woke up before 6 a.m. today.
sumi, generally burners aren't that expensive, because they are sized universally. So unless you have a super-special stovetop, you're probably going to be able to replace for $25-50.
I got up this morning at 5 a.m. to exercise and am now eating my lunch sandwich because I'm so hungry. oops!
kitty~ma for Raq & Legion.