Ouch. Laga. Stop. I know a horse is much bigger than me, but the thought of being fisted really hurts.
Aims, I'm a bit late to the party, but, I really think it was a favor. Yes the paycheck is nice. But the bullshit.. well, it was bullshit. I agree with ND, odds are he's seeing tight margins and you got the short straw. Was there a severance package? Does he have to give notice? Is there some procedure he needs to follow (memo, then warning, meeting, one more time and you outta here). I seem to recall some very non-functional meetings called, but... Oh hell, I don't know. But milk every dime out of him you can.
IO-me-N, so the Head Explodey news is now public. Here's what went down weeks ago. My boss asked me to carpool. While driving in, I asked if he needed a ride home. "Nope, wife & kid is picking me, we're going on vacation" "at this time in the season??" "Kids spring break" "oh. ok. Where to?" "Dallas" "Dallas?" "We are going to visit {former General Manager here, current Managing Director somewhere else}" "um.. is this a job interview?!?!" "kinda. Don't tell ANYONE"
Well, he got the job. I'm happy for him, and sad for workplace. He really has been the best boss I've ever had (ND excluded). He's been the mortar in keeping us sane of late. And been a great advocate, as well as shielding us from a lot of the bullshit from the higher ups. And now he's leaving. I was sworn to secrecy, since I was a jack ass and guessed right off the bat. But now can spill the beans. HUGE for us... nsm for y'all, I'm guessing. Pardon me as we play taps and whimper in the corner...
I almost inhaled a sunflower seed. Some posts should come with a warning.
edit: that was directed at Mike Rowe falling in love with a pig, not Omnis' exciting and scary job news.
and ftr Hansel did seem to enjoy it in a "oh it feels good to get that gunk out of there" way. On the other hand he'd have been a lot easier to clean if he'd enjoyed it in the other way.
Dear lungs,
Just stop it. Seriously.
Dear Kristin's lungs:
seriously. Give the chick a break.
Dear Kristin's lungs,
No really. Knock it off. Get better.
Not Kidding,
Heh. My neb machine overheated. That can't be good.
Dear Kristin's lungs,
you'll be way happier if you just stop misbehaving
love , me
ps vw's machine should behave as well
My two bags of Mighty Leaf Organic Earl Grey arrived a few moments ago. My first cup is now brewing. It's the most incredible, delicious smell.
I love you all.
Know what I don't love, though? I've been trying to arrange for an appointment with the pulmonologist, Dr. S., who I liked so much and who admitted me to the hospital and oversaw my case. He wanted to see me ten days after my discharge to take another chest x-ray and confirm that I am getting better. Today is the ten day mark. After playing phone tag with his assistant for a week, I finally got in touch with her today. Apparently, the office he sees patients like me in has completely screwed up/overbooked their rooms, so he
can't see patients at all.
That's right, I'm out of luck. He instructed his assistant to apologize to his patients and tell them to go to their PCP for any follow-up discussion. My PCP is a decent doctor normally, but she really pissed me off over the past few weeks by not taking my illness as seriously as she needed to. She was the one who told me I "might even be able to go to work tomorrow" on the day I got diagnosed and who kept telling me to give the antibiotics more time as I got sicker and sicker. This is the PCP who saw my chest x-ray the day before I was admitted to the hospital by another doctor in Urgent Care and called me to say, "Yes, it's pneumonia, I'm going to put you on another antibiotic."
The antibiotics worked, and I'm willing to give her the benefit of the doubt and believe that she was trying to treat me at home to avoid an expensive hospital stay. But I'm not convinced she ever thought I was as sick as I was, and I'm really not thrilled about the fact that I now have to entrust myself to her for follow-up. I don't trust her, at least as far as this illness goes, anywhere near as much as I trust Dr. S. I don't have many options, though. If Dr. S. doesn't have an office right now, he obviously can't see me. And I really like this medical group overall and got excellent care through Urgent Care and the hospital, and I'm pretty sure my PCP is the only one in the group who takes HMO insurance.
Stupid fucking bureaucracy.