Although -- this is my ideal plan -- once I pay off my credit card, I'll start saving for my next car, because I *really* want to pay cash for it (rather than finance it), if at all possible. I know that's pie-in-the-sky, but I really want to shoot for it.
I've got a lot longer on my current car payment (only halfway through), but I'm hoping to get it paid off at least a year early. After I do have it paid off, though, I'm planning on doing what your goal is, Steph. My goal is to continue to put aside my monthly payment into a savings account and have enough in there when the Civic finally gives out (hopefully, not for a very long time!).
When I do get my $600 this weekend, it'll mostly go towards my last credit card to pay it off. I also have to take my cat into the vet to have a lump looked at, and if that proves to be just a reaction to her rabies shot, I should have enough left over to send a few dollars to a few charities/websites.
Taxes are the price of living in a civilized society. I'd be happier with them if this actually were a civilized society.
You do not want to get me started on the economic stimulous checks...
Once again, Ginger and I are the same person!
Your liver might not think so, but other than that it sounds OK.
I'm not planning on drinking it all at once. In face, I bought it a week ago and haven't opened any of it -- but I'm now stocked with the fancy-schmancy gin, wine, Jameson's, and Pimm's. Pimm's says summer to me, and Jameson's fueled a lot of porn-writing, so I'm looking forward to having the time and circumstances to crack them open!
I am Ginger and javachik.
I'm also Kristin, with the bitterness about 2008 and money and the paying off of loans. Our finances are in such a fucking mess that it's completely not worth going into, but suffice it to say that (a) the debt-consolidation loan that was supposed to lighten our burden a couple of years ago is killing us, and there's no way out from under it, and (b) if we ever see a penny of that ridiculous stimulus check, I will laugh and laugh and then drop dead of astonishment. If we do get it, it will just about cover either two months' debt consolidation payment, or one month and two or three days of Matilda's daycare.
Also, I have to pout just a bit about Teppy's old car Sherman, who died just in time to kill her budget for the year and prevent her from coming to our wedding. Sherman, Sherman, you couldn't have hung in there for just a couple more months? Six lousy weeks? Phooey on you!
Emily, those booze purchases sound like a fine and wise investment!
Also, I have to pout just a bit about Teppy's old car Sherman, who died just in time to kill her budget for the year and prevent her from coming to our wedding. Sherman, Sherman, you couldn't have hung in there for just a couple more months? Six lousy weeks? Phooey on you!
I know! Having my beloved Sherm die on me was bad enough, but to do it at the exact time that it did, in such a way as to screw my finances for literally a year (maybe 18 months) was *crushing.* Very seriously. Not going to your wedding just about killed me.
But then you came to the DC F2F, and it helped me get over my crushing disappointment. (Although it's possible that what *actually* helped was that amazing corset you were wearing -- was it the Trashy Diva one? SO. COOL.)
I'm the wrong audience for this rant
How did he react? Sometimes I just can't believe people.
Yeah, the Trashy Diva corset. Which I haven't tried on since I had the first inklings of Matilda's presence.
VW, that's ridic, did your brother rethink? Or just in a "oh, sorry I said that to YOU, it's OK for you but not in general" kind of rethink? Eesh.
My dad was threatening to vote in the democratic primary in Indiana today just to be an ass. So annoying. But my sister is all up on teh intarwebs!
They used government money to give people jobs like working on our crumbling infrastructure.
See, now that would kick ass. But I guess the issue isn't really unemployment, now...