VW, that's ridic, did your brother rethink? Or just in a "oh, sorry I said that to YOU, it's OK for you but not in general" kind of rethink? Eesh.
My dad was threatening to vote in the democratic primary in Indiana today just to be an ass. So annoying. But my sister is all up on teh intarwebs!
They used government money to give people jobs like working on our crumbling infrastructure.
See, now that would kick ass. But I guess the issue isn't really unemployment, now...
Eventually I cut him off and said, "You know, you have a sister who is functioning (healthcare), living under a roof (social security), and going to college (MassRehab) thanks to government-funded programs, so I'm the wrong audience for this rant."
Go you!
Having a safety net is a *good* thing for society.
Is she the one who asked the question, meara?
I hope Erin has had a good surgery. Laura, I'm really sorry you and your sibs have to help stepdad see your mom would not travel well. Financial windfall-ma for everyone.
I feel badly. I have a client I hadn't checked on in a while, and I knew he was sick but I got busy with life and forgot to check in. He passed away almost a whole month ago, and I didn't see the obit in time for the memorial service either. He was a neat gentleman, and I will miss him. Rest in Peace, JJS.
How did he react? Sometimes I just can't believe people.
He said, "I know. I'm trying to be very careful how I say this because I know that."
We ended our conversation shortly after I laid into him for about 20 minutes about the *actual* problems with government-run programs.
I wanted to say, "Dude, I'm happy to let you fund all of these things for me personally so the government doesn't have to, but I don't think you alone can afford it. So, maybe just stop."
I do understand, to a certain extent, what he's saying. The programs are inefficient and full of bureaucratic nightmares. I make no kidding about the fact that I have access to these programs because I am well-educated, well-spoken, and a self-advocate. I mean, just now, I had to justify the need to take my summer classes for MassRehab to agree to pay for them. I rattled off at least 10 reasons why they should pay for these classes, and she said, "Well, you've certainly made a good case for us to pay for these." I think a lot of people in my position would get rattled and end up saying, "Um. I don't know, because I think you should." It's hard work, and a lot of people who REALLY need access to these programs don't have the knowledge, energy, etc. to get what they need. So, yes. There are problems. But, the answer IS NOT to make them go away.
I'm sorry. Sore subject.
Christopher Plummer is starring in Caesar and Cleopatra at Stratford in Canada this summer. Yum.
OH! And the best part was...right before I cut him off he quoted Ronald Regan. I was like, "Um, if you're going to start quoting Ronald Regan as a pillar of your opinion, I'm just gonna tune you out."
{{d}} I'm sorry to hear about your client.
Go VW!
Is she the one who asked the question, meara?
Yes. Though it's a bit disingenuous, given that she herself may not make a ton of money, but her husband is now a lawyer....(OK, so he wasn't a lawyer until like, a month ago. But still)
[Edit: But they wanted a question from an Obama supporter who works for a union (she works for the firefighter's union), and the QUESTION is fine...]
Don't get me wrong. I love my brother, and he loves me dearly. He would give his last shirt for me. Really. We just don't see eye to eye on politics, and it's partly because we've experienced completely different worlds.