In case there was any doubt, Plei totally rocks! The blog you linked to earlier is perfectly what I was looking for. I started reading it from the beginning and her Spina Bifida seems to be of equal severity to mine and reading her first few entries has already answered a bunch of questions. Thank you!
My Google-fu is occasionally good for something!
My Google-fu is occasionally good for something!
My Google-fu sucks. I've been looking for weeks on and off and never came across that blog. The other links on her site are also very helpful.
Can someone please smite a few key people at Disney for me?
Alas, I can't smite them. My body has been (somewhat unsuccessfully) smiting the pneumonia for two weeks, and I think that I am all smited out. I can offer hugs. I'll leave the smiting to the experts.
So I left work at noon today, nearly fell asleep on the way home, and then crashed for a two-hour nap. Apparently I'm still sick.
ETA: Did anyone else giggle at this x-post?
NoiseDesign: Can someone please smite a few key people at Disney for me?
Ginger: Try vinegar.
JZ, good luck with the job transition.
Complete randomness:
When Hec was reporting on Emmett's baseball game from the weekend, he forgot to mention the most comically heartwrenching part of the game. Early on, in maybe the second inning, one of Emmett's teammates got drilled in the arm by a wild pitch. Not very badly, but bad enough that he dropped to his knees whimpering and David had to come out, help him up, give him a hug, and help him walk it off.
What Matilda saw: Someone vaguely Emmett's height, wearing Emmett's baseball clothes, sitting down crying and then getting helped to his feet and hugged by Daddy.
Her hysterical meltdown was epic. I had to rush her to the dugout so she could see Emmett, perfectly well and in the middle of strapping on his catcher's gear. She clung and clung to him, patting his face and crying; then she clung to David; and finally she was with great difficulty peeled away from both of them just in time for them to take the field.
Thank GOD that when Emmett actually did take a forearm to the nose near the end of the game, she was off at the toddler playground, or she'd still be attached to him right this minute.
runs after certain people at Disney with a cheese grater and some lemon juice