I have had to ask my dad or stepdad for help like that as an adult, too.People get SO horrified. "Weren't you thinking he could...you know?' Well, I didn't always get along with Stepdad, but I could tell he wasn't a pervert. I don't know. I just knew that. It was still hard to ask him, but I was desperate.
Have these people MET YOU? Not only are you a fully sentient adult, if anyone tried to "you know" they wouldn't live. to. tell. Or if they did it would be in a very high-pitched fashion.
It's lousy to have to be physically dependant on other people. Damn. THAT'S the crummy part. Being embarassed is the crummy part. Your Father or Stepdad one day turning into a rapist is just, well, DUDE. PEOPLE.
::glares at people::
Oh, good. Idiot TC is awake again.
He's now trying to convince me that he is going to live forever because he has switched to red wine.
I want to punch the world in the face until it bleeds from its ass.
If he is texting you, please to remind him we do not have free texing
He's now trying to convince me that he is going to live forever because he has switched to red wine.
Couldn't you mock up a fake website that agrees with this claim but will also tell him that red wine kills off brain cells faster than any other alcohol and that "studies show" the quality of a person's life decreases more rapidly than with any other booze?
Then he'll have to retreat and figure it all out, at which time you can come up with another fly for the proverbial ointment.
Roommate D is playing with his whammy bar.
Couldn't you mock up a fake website that agrees with this claim but will also tell him that red wine kills off brain cells faster than any other alcohol and that "studies show" the quality of a person's life decreases more rapidly than with any other booze?
Then he'll have to retreat and figure it all out, at which time you can come up with another fly for the proverbial ointment.
That sounds like a whole lot more work than "Shut the fuck up, TC."
Roommate D
Sounds like an anime character.
That sounds like a whole lot more work than "Shut the fuck up, TC."
It didn't sound like that approach was working, so I used my imagination to problem solve!