my teaching contract for next year has not been renewed. I get this news 1 week before surgery.
Oh, Erin. What the fucking fuck? How can they tell you this in almost MAY? Don't they have a deadline?
Allow me to say, I share your pain. They are fuckers.
Too many egads overnight and lately in general.
Why is April going out like a lion?
I am in full-on Hate The World Mode right now.
The customers suck, the clients (different from customers) suck and I have some dumb-ass drunken friend from back in L.A. vomiting some bullshit about how he realized the miraculousness of Everything and the wonderfulnessosity of humanity and blah blah blah Fuck you, you idiot, just shut the fuck up.
The Mood, it is upon me with a Vengeance.
lisah, I think you posted these in the past and I saved them in My Favorites [link]
Oh, yes! I have those and LOVE them. Although if you wear flats mostly it may take a while to get used to the new incline of your feet in them.
Erin, I'm so sorry. What the hell?!
Erin, that truly sucks. I don't suppose this is like the pink slips that get handed out in CA, where they notify a bunch of teachers they're being laid off and then the budget gets its fix and they're all (mostly) re-hired?
Still, you don't need the stress. May the bad karma come back and bite 'em on the ass.
I am shocked, Erin. What the hell are they thinking?
Aims got it in one.
He see a naked girl again?
{{Erin}} I think those people need the stabbity-stabbity-splorch thing that MM does so well. Damn. Would the Universe just please step off my people!