But the ice cream wasn't GOOD, Fay!!
...I'm betting it was better than the tasteless, textureless sugar-free chocolate icecream that's the ONLY icecream I've had since December.
However, I have just eaten a small pot of almond paste, double cream and unsweetened cocoa with a dash of sweetener, and, by heaven, that was teh yum.
Note to self: Get on with making own damn low-carb icecream.
ok, hivemind question here. What is the best way to sort classical music CD's? My first instinct is by composer (Bach, Brahms, Dvorak, etc). But then I have some artists, like Yo Yo Ma, and I don't want them scattered around. So do I blow convention with those? Or do I say "who cares, I'm usually listening thru iTunes"? Curious what those that are more classically music orientated do?
Perhaps by what's most relevant? So if you bought it because of the composer, and can't actually remember who's playing, then use the composer, but if you bought it because you love the artist, then list the artist?
(But, you know, my approach to organising is just tottering piles of CDs in no particular order.)
Oh happy day.
t ironic voice
Got another email memo from Boss - this one to everyone who works for him - the there is to be NO internet useage between 8:05a and 5:00p. If we violate this, we will be terminated. In order to enforce this, as of May 1, they will be installing spy-software on all of our computers to record keystrokes and take screen shots of the webpages we get on.
Geeeesh, Aims. Howz that resume sending going for you?
The Tylenol helped CJ last night but he was warm again this morning so I gave him another slug of the stuff. I didn't take his temp again, but I'm going to have him stay home today.
For a follow-up, Aims' boss will have her tagged with RFID and a GPS transponder. Later there will come an implanted shock device connected to a mood monitor. Should her work satisfaction index drop below a certain point, she will receive a low-amperage high-voltage shock to her central nervous system.
The beatings will continue until morale improves.
P.S. Aims' boss defines the term ASSHAT.
Howz that resume sending going for you?
Sent three more out this moring.