For a follow-up, Aims' boss will have her tagged with RFID and a GPS transponder. Later there will come an implanted shock device connected to a mood monitor. Should her work satisfaction index drop below a certain point, she will receive a low-amperage high-voltage shock to her central nervous system.
The beatings will continue until morale improves.
P.S. Aims' boss defines the term ASSHAT.
Howz that resume sending going for you?
Sent three more out this moring.
Blah blah blah blah, blah blah.
Yes, I do have nothing to say. Why must school start so early?
...I'm betting it was better than the tasteless, textureless sugar-free chocolate icecream that's the ONLY icecream I've had since December.
I'm betting that the reason you haven't got good low-carb ice cream is because of where you are. At least here in the States, some of the best low-carb and/or no-sugar-added ice creams are as good or better than the regular versions of crap brand ones.
Aims, here's hoping one of those resumes brings you a wonderful job with decent pay and a decent boss, or a decent job with wonderful pay and a decent boss, or a decent job with wonderful pay and a wonderful boss. Of course, at this point, half-decent on all of those points might be an improvement.
Sent three more out this moring.
Should her work satisfaction index drop below a certain point, she will receive a low-amperage high-voltage shock to her central nervous system.
shshs don't say that too loud.
OK, this cracked me up this morning. Warning: cat related.
Got another email memo from Boss - this one to everyone who works for him - the there is to be NO internet useage between 8:05a and 5:00p. If we violate this, we will be terminated. In order to enforce this, as of May 1, they will be installing spy-software on all of our computers to record keystrokes and take screen shots of the webpages we get on.
t waves
Dear Aims' Asshat Boss,
No love,